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foundations of independent practice - lastchance1014
Please i would like to know what material will be good to study this section of the exam since people have said alot about day 1 thanks
Uworld dot com
Kaplan test
Kaplan lectures 2016
@vesodoc what is kaplan test do u mean the qbank?
The difference b/ween the kaptest and uworld is that there are some specific clinical situations and some additional nosological entities that are covered in kaptest.
Kaplan lecture notes 2016 Step 3 - the newest edition is a great thing too, especially for pharm adds, patient's safety stuff...
@vesodoc....i read your input on FIP(basic scince component) in other post too. i know you are studying for day2. depending upon your feasibility, before or after your day2 exam,if you could elaborate on FIP, we will all appreciate your input. in patology is it mecanism of diseases.? what about physiology, pharmacology,or any other subject. thanks a lot and good luck with your day2.
#6 more you think, reviewing any step1 book might help.?? thanks
Certainly, if you have time.
Mostly High Yield books.
I think it was mostly pathology. a picture of diabetic retinopathy with proliferation and a long stem with clinical history, answers included 6 - 7 mechanisms of the vascular proliferation, such as glycosylation of proteins, intravitreal osmotic changes, etc. Another example was - you have a clinical picture ( again a long stem), of appendicitis. Answers included the pathology of atrophy of villi, transmural inflammation etc.
hi, do share your exam experience, Level of dif compared to uworld etc etc. good luck! Ull ace it!!!
vesodoc......thanks a lot. best of luck for your exam.
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