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psy - forumfriends
A 26-year-old student is always apprehensive.When he has to do
a presentation he becomes tremendously anxious and
uncomfortable. He feels that everybody is staring at
him and judging his appearance.His forehead and hands sweat, and
his mouth becomes dry. He has lately started avoiding
coming to classes when he expects to get a presentation
assignment, or he calls in sick. He has noticed that “just
the thought of it” makes him anxious and nauseated.
He is aware that his behavior is not appropriate, but his
fear of embarrassment is much too strong. He also feels
extremely uncomfortable in a restaurant, feeling everybody’s
eyes on him. He can be “okay” when he is with a
group of people he knows, but otherwise he fears he
will make a fool of himself. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) avoidant personality disorder
(B) generalized anxiety disorder
© panic disorder
(D) performance anxiety
(E) social phobia
'He is aware that his behavior is not appropriate' - i think it indicates ego dystonic
but most of the personality disorders are ego syntonic (kaplan)

Ego syntonic disorders are notoriously difficult to treat because the disordered thinking is in harmony with the ego state so the person cannot see the need for change.(but here he says behavior is not appropriate-means ego dystonic)
answer is ?
yes ans is E
I just wanted to say how to differentiate it from personality disorder.
thanks for Q
welcome friend
nice q thanks
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