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ethics - forumfriends
A 55-year-old man has a suspicious mass
biopsied. He is clearly mentally competent but
has been very depressed over his wife's recent
death. His daughter asks the doctor not to tell
the patient the diagnosis if the results show a
malignancy because she fears that he will kill
himself. If the mass proves to be malignant, the
doctor should
(A) follow the daughter's wishes and not tell
the patient the diagnosis
(B) tell the patient the diagnosis immediately
© tell the patient not to worry and that he
will be well cared for
(D) ask the patient when he would like to receive
the diagnosis
(E) have the daughter tell the patient the diagnosis
answer is d...the doctor cant hold the result but h have to find how to released and when
D ..the question clearly states that the patient ismentally competent to understand his illness ..tough the daughter persists not to say but the duty of physician is to give all information to his patient until the patient has in written appointed a health care proxy
yes though tell the truth is the basic rule of ethics but considering his emotional state, asking the patient when he would like to receive the diagnosis is the best choice.(BRS)

if we apply the same rule here then FF would not be the best answer
what's your opinion
therapeutic privilege - if a patient will become suicidal upon hearing bad news, you don't tell them the bad news

khan's cases has this case

answer is A
for step 2 cs, learn how to cheat properly go to Gold Review New York, it is ethical cheating, they have all the new questions to step 1 too (you have to speech foreign language)
Went to goldreview in Houston, sp was undercover agent and got a lot of foreigners in trouble. look at how delayed the exam is in Houston, don't go there. Go to the new York gold review center, we have all the cases for phili, atl, la, chic, brand new and updated, and we know how to keep things secret, hou gold review = crazy
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