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another debatable question - irina25
NO DOUBT SMOKING IS NO. 1 RISK--- BUT NOT CHEWING NICOTINE------- It do effect health but not as seriously as high BP so i think D IS THE ANSWER
yes chewing nicotine gum may not be that bad --actually chewing nicotine gum should not be so bad as smoking because it is used to break the habit of smoking --so bp control seems to be most reasonable answer to me as others also are telling the same ---

so i finally go for d--

to ben -- they are not talking of ace inhibitor in diabetes--here they are talking about sugar restriction-- sugar restriction is not a good choice --how much restriction --one teapoon two--

thanks irina
Don't you think it is body wt control these americans are the fatest people in earth, they worry too much about it, I think if we control this we do whole lots of good to this real american,,, just think you'll dec the bp, risk of heart dz, what not,,,though it is hard to advice to this man to avoid buying a 1lit soda cap from seven eleven in the morning...
guys, don't you think that this guy has diabetes, so if we control his glucose level, thus we control DM-HTN-CHF, so his damn habit might be sweets and candies, so we must restrcit sugar intake and advise him a sweetener.

Please correct me if i am wrong
I agree with 99maniac. Restriction of body weight shoud help this patient to decrease his high blood pressure, high blood sugar and even to decrease the exacerbations of CHF and increase his longevity
umm....doesn't the nicotine worsen the BP?....doesn't it also (really long term) increase abdominal girth? (well, smoking does these things, and i think the only difference between puffing and chewing is on the lungs and also not holding a cigarette on your fingers)

so I go for the nicotine---because the question makes it sound like the pt is using long-term nicotine...
do u how a hot debate is about how to control weight in USA, u cannot believe it, even nowadays mediacaid and medicare covers some surgican intervention in regards to weight control, like liposuction procedure in this procedure is no more for previliged and upper class, and they say i don't know exactly this generation or which one will not survive their previous generations,,, now u guess how grave is this problem,,, if u want ot practice in US u should know this, probably board want to test u how up to date u are on medical trends in us,,,
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