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NBME4 Questions - goatmilk
14mo boy 30 minutes after the onset of wheezing. He was crawling on the floor. Respiratory distress. Pulse is 125/min, resp 45/min, BP 84/54. Diffuse wheezes are heard bilaterally. Chest x-ray shows atelectasis of the left upper lobe with a shift of the trachea to the left. Next step?
A) Pulmonary function tests
B) CT scan of the chest (wrong answer)
C) Bronchoscopy
D) Mediastinoscopy
E) Thoracotomy

15yo girl with 1-week history of vaginal discharge and 2-day history of sore throat and white spots in her mouth. Recurrent candidal infections. History of Type 1DM and autoimmunte thyroiditis. Thick white vaginal discharge, budding yeast. Mechanism?
A) Autoimmune destruction of the thymus (wrong answer)
B) Blunting of the inflammatory response from complement deficiency
C) Deficiency in anticandidal antibodies
D) Impaired cell-mediated immunity
E) Inability of macrophage to present candidal antigen

What diseases are these questions referring to and what are the answers??
1.Foreign body aspiration so it should be bronchoscopy
2.t cell deficency so impaired cell mediated immunity
For question 2, whats the connection of Type 1DM and autoimmune thyroiditis with T-cell deficiency??
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