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Cloride Responsive Metaboloc Alkalosis Anyone Help - mlestep2ck
Could anyone who knows explain why in Cloride Responsive Metaboloc Alkalosis you have a low urinary CL less than 20?
Causes are GI loss, CF and Thiazide diurtetics. Should the Cl in urine actually be elvated?

Same think for Cloride resistant M Alkalosis
What is Hypochlormic Metabolic Acidosis?
choliride responsive alkalosis means urine has less chloride because body need it and kidney was able to conserve it --means kidney is fine. so if we give chloride here in this hypocholoremic metabolic alkalosis pt wiil be better because kidney wiil be able to conserve the cholride given.

but if hypocholamic alkalosis is due to other cause say kidney cause in which urinary chloride is more than 20 meaning kidney cannot conserve chloride in that case giving chloride will be of no use because whatever chloride we will be giving that will be washed away.
thanks djyoti u came thru for me once again
need not to forget it
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