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Anything missing w Acute Lymphocitic Leukemia-ALL? - goodman
Pancytopenia. Strong ASSOC. with Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Marked Thrombocytopenia , petechiae, purpura, ecchymoses, bleeding gums, epistaxis and hemorrhage. (GRANULOCYTOPENIC)
Most Serious Complication in Childhood with Varicella infection is PNEUMONIA.
and Pt w/ AML also present w /Pancytopenia.
Detection of TdT (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase), a nuclear protein, is see in more than 95% of Pt w/ ALL
Is negative for Sudan black stain and Myeloperoxidase
ALL translocations include: t(1;19), t(4;11), t(9;22), t(11;29), and t(12;21).
Translocation t(1;19): Occurs in 5% of precursor B-ALL cases and has roughly neutral prognosis.
Translocation t(4;11) and t(11;29) are translocations involving 11q23, which codes for the MLL gene product, and convey a poor prognosis. MLL = Myeloid/lymphoid or Mixed Lineage Leukemia
Translocation t(9;22) involves BCR-ABL and conveys a poor prognosis.
Translocation t(12;21) is the M.C. genetic abnormality see in childhood with ALL involves the TEL-AML1 Fusion Gene.
This abnormality in the TEL-AML1 Fusion gene occurs only in B-precursor ALL and confers and excellent prognosis.
Remember: The B-cell lineage can be indicated by antigens expressed either in the cytoplasm (CD79 or IgM) of leukemic cells
Also B-cell lineage can be indicated by antigens expressed on the surface membrane (CD19 or CD20) of leukemic cells
The precursor nature of the blast cells can be demonstrated with further marker studies like positivity for TdT (a nuclear enzyme)
Also the precursor nature of the blast cells can be demonstrated with further marker studies like surface markers CD10 and CD34
Which are the associations that are missing? That is key on this test. If you cannot make associations you wont pass.
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