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anyway to easily recognize heart sounds/murmurs - crossover
please is there any way. I just cant differentiate.
the easiest way is by separating systolic sounds from diastolic sounds.

Systolic sounds are further divided into regurgitant or ejection murmur.

Regurgitant Murmur are heard Early or all througout systole (holosystolic)

a. Mitral Regurgitation
b. Tricuspid Regurgitation
c. Ventricular Septal Defect

1. There are always heard in the beginning of "lub" (closure of mitral/tricuspid valve)
2. All regurgitant murmurs regardless of phase are heard as blowing or gasping for air.

Ejection Murmurs

a. Aortic Stenosis/Sclerosis
b. Pulmonary Stenosis
c. Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
d. Tetralogy of Fallot

All ejection murmur are recognized by a mid systolic click describe as harsch, i like to think of it as sand paper sound and all heard clearly between "lub-Dub" so you know lub and dub are heard without problems. Ejection murmurs have clues such as irradiating to to the arm, slow rising pulse with weak pulse upon palpation, or delayed carotid upstroke.

Thanks.. I think my question was not more specific.. I meant with a sethoscope.. Like i heard they play the heart sound and expect you to identify them..
I really appreciate your help
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