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To Turtlerace.... - serenity12
Hey Turtlerace....
I just started Usmlerx a few days ago....Here's what I think so far....

Let's start off with the disadvantages:

First of all, I find it easier than QBank, although to be honest, there are questions that are identical to QBank....but generally speaking I do think it's easier. Most (not all) of the questions don't have that much depth to them. The vignettes aren't as long as in QBank and therefore don't seem to really represent exam format (from what I hear people who took the test saying).

GREAT opportunity to master FA!! That was my motivation to do this bank to begin with. What happens is that after the question and explanation, there is a little excerpt out of FA that is relevant to the topic at hand. So you get to see FA right on your screen. The bigger advantage I found was that, let's say for example you get asked about the mech of action of a drug, and you go through the explanation and the little FA thingy and later on in some other block you get asked a question about the side effect/contraindication/interaction etc of the same drug, you get to see the same excerpt out of FA you end up memorizing it without all that much effort, you know what i mean....

The reason that was so imp for me was that everytime I wanted to study FA, I could never properly do it because I felt that it was insufficient and that my time would be better spent actually studying from Kaplan. So now I'm a month away from my exam and still haven't "memorized FA from cover to cover"...I mean, most of the concepts are there from studying in general, but I haven't memorized the book itself which is necessary for instant recall in the exam.....

Another advantage for me is that there is a great emphasis on pharmacology which is a weak subject for me, so I end up getting a lot of practice. Also, there are newer drugs that I hadn't heard of or seen in Kaplan, so that's good too....more exposure.....

That's pretty much all I've had the chance to assess since it has only been a couple of days....hope that helps.....

Best of luck!
why didnot you register for usmle123?
i am thinking to register for one of these.that is why i am asking you? thank you
To be honest, I'd been asking around a lot, and if you go back to previous threads you'll notice that I usually did not get many answers....It's pretty ironic though because it was only after i started usmlerx did people start talking so greatly about usmle123....Smile

Also, although people said that it was easier than QBank, I found that when most people posted their scores on QBank and on Usmlerx, they were very close, meaning that usmlerx may have been easier but couldn't really be that much easier. Or else people would have done better on it....

I dunno.....that's just what happened I guess....

Hey serenity12 I just saw your posting....thank you so much for your input.....I appreciate it. Sorry for the late response have been busy helping a friend who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this morning........but I will keep your two cents in mind....pharma is also my weak subject...when you are scared of something you always keep that for last...not good....thanks once again.....I love your questions though!!!
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