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Tutti Frutti - Step 1 - drdeath

Tutti Frutti - Step 1
Graphs, Radiology, Slides, etc:
¢ Quality of x-rays, great; quality of histo +-; quality of macro
satisfactory; quality of diagrams, too small (at least for me,
extremely difficult to read letterheads); quality of graphs
(curves, drugs) simple and understandable
¢ *: right ans
1. CXR w/pneumothorax, also obvious from q stem
2. CTA, asked about liver perfusion, ?position intraart cath for
injection: radiologist inserted catheter through _fem artery,
aorta, celiac _ proper hepatic artery
3. Cerebral angiography; clinica of ACA infarct (leg), show artery
on cerebral angiography
4. Cervical rib - cervical spine x-ray, obvious symptoms from q
5. Calcific tenditinis on shoulder x-ray, ?calcification:
?supraspinatus* ?subscapularis
6. Infant w/Hx of perinatal infection, non communicating
hydrocephalus, sagittal MRI, show site of obstruction:
_aqueductal stenosis*
7. Large SDH (acc to brain CT image); cannot exclude Epidural;
however after œfollowing day/24h..LOC, interval pt was
œlucid, asked about what ruptured, both choices: middle
mening art (epi) and bridging veins (SDH); tricky
8. Endometrial ca path micro (even not related to q); MOA
estrogen* as carcinogen
9. 35 y o female, CIN slide, multiple partners, asked about assoc _
10. Diarrhea, slide w/probably Giardia, asked about cause of
malabsorption sy
11. History of HIV w/ abn CSF(meningitis like, lymphocytes etc) and
multiple ring enhancing lesions of varying sizes on CT (not
showed, just described on q stem); showed histo slide (not India
ink), ?bug: ?nocardia, ?toxoplasma, ?cryptococcus
12. Brainstem lesion- gross, show area according to clinica
13. Arrow on aqueduct of Sylvius -gross anatomy, ?lesion at this
level; non-communicating hydrocephalus*
14. Diagram about protein translation
15. Drawing of alveolar wall (quite bad) which cell of the horrible
diagram is a pneumocyte type II
16. EM slide: asked about connexons
17. EM slide: show desmosome, asked about function
18. Multiple myeloma path micro, asked about pathogenesis
19. ECG with extrasystole, choose the strongest complex (immediate
after extrasystole*)
20. Gross spinal lesion in dorsal columns (same as CD) asked about
21. LOTS of physio diagrams
22. Celiac disease; path slide; asked about protein malabsorption (?)
23. Gross kidney + staghorn calculus, asked about bug: Proteus*
24. Gross kidney, young boy + Tu: asked about tu supp gene: WT1
25. Picture of pt w/superficial varices in lower extremity,
?pathogenesis (?stasis, ?insuff valves, ?chronic DVT)
26. Picture w/vesicles within great toe of kid.? Perhaps HSV,
asked about virus: ans incl shape, dna/rna, single/double strand
but did not mention the virus
27. Pedigree of Duchenne™s in a girl (Mec of inheritance)
28. Picture with child w/blue sclera (OI), asked about pathogenesis
29. Funduscopy of diabetic pt
Pathology + Physiology:
1. Pt described with hematuria, flank mass,?disease: Renal cell ca
2. Pt with vertebral compression # + multiple blastic lesions, most
likely? Metastatic prostate adenoca
3. Pt w/Hx of working in an asbestos factory + heavy smoker, now
SIADH + weight loss ?small cell* ?mesothelioma
4. Pt w/abn CSF, lymphocytosis, cranial nerve palsies,? most likely:
TB meningitis*
5. Pt w/severe osteoporosis: arrows for PTH, ca++, P,etc know this
table from BRS path very least 2 or 3 qs
6. Newborn at term, infant of diabetic mother, resp distress,?most
likely: Meconium aspiration sy
7. Described pt suffering from Horner™s sy, etc ?underlying
disease: Lung ca*
8. Description child w/findings consistent w/ nephrotic sy ,
urinanalysis? ovoid fat cells*, RBCcasts, WBC casts etc
9. Atrophic pancreas + calcifications on CT, ?underlying disease:
?alcoholism*, ?gallstones
10. Pt w/incr amylase, midepigastric pain, known cholelithiasis;
?etiology: ?cbd stone, stone in ampulla?, stone in cystic duct?
11. Bartholin™s abscess
12. Pt w/hydatiform mola, ?karyotype
13. Pt a month after resection of hydatiform mola, incr hCG, ?
chorioca ?residual placenta
14. Type of diarrhea in AIDS pt
15. Type of diarrhea in Immunocompromised
16. AIDS pt +ring enhancing lesions on CT, abn CSF, +path slide;
not India ink!, ?Nocardia, ? Toxoplasma ? Cryptococcus
17. Von Willebrand /ITP/TTP 3 or 4 qs w/different values of incr,
decr or N PT, PTT, etc know this well
18. Female 80 yo, on X-rays Dx of OA, pt with articular + muscular
pain, given NSAID, got better, ?mostlikely: ?polymyalgia
rheumatica ?RA
19. Boy with large polyp in rectum containing different tissue types:
?hamartoma, ?Angiomyolipoma etc
20. What happens to GFR, RPF, etc if u constrict efferent arteriole
21. Soccer player injured, ligamentous rupture; didn™t wan to move,
died week after,?most likely at autopsy: ?large PE*, ?small PE
22. Female w/URI, a week after presented w/pain described to me
sounding like (relieve when she lies like muslin praying etc)
23. Pancreatic secretion as prohormone/proenzyme (don™t
remember): insulin + peptide C
24. Coupling actin/myosin, ryanodine receptor, at least 2 or 3 qs
25. Most precise for diagnosis of DIC? Incr fibrin degradation
26. Melanoma, ?worst prognosis: vertical growth*
27. s/p tear muscle, fibrosis at scar, what would be affected?
Tension? relaxation? Etc
28. s/p terminal ileum resection, what would be affected? Lipid
absorption*? Intrinsic factor secretion?( READ the stems VERY
carefully.many of u ans very quicklyand I remember LOTS
of qs that were like this one.vit B12 absorption would be
impaired but not secretion..)
29. Pt w/HCCa, single test that would be most diagnostic: HCV* (no
option w/HBV)
30. Infant with retinal hemorrhages, fell from sofa while mother
boyfriend was taking care of him: Shaken baby sy*(there™s an
identical qs in webpath.)
31. Patient described w/bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, bilateral
parenchymal infiltrates, epitheliod cells, no fever, etc (sarcoidosis
*, TB not an optionsimilar q in BRS)
32. Pt w/testicular tu? Assessment spread, what™s better: ?CT abdo,
?CT pelvis, (tricky/bad q)?palpate ingu. LNetc
33. Pregnant female w/Sheehan™s sy ?pathogenesis: ?ac interruption
hypophyseal portal system*, ?slow interruption etc
34. Inhibin regulates?: FSH*
35. N pt w incr pH (7.6), decr bicarb, what mixture is
breathing:?20% O2, 75% CO2, 5%N2?; N2 75%, 5% CO2;
20% O2?
36. Hb shift to the right: Metabolic alkalosis, graph
37. Pt w/ systolic murmur, thrill apex, etc ?VSD*
38. Female from SE Asia, pregnant, murmur described as MVP,
39. Calculate SV from Fick™s principle
40. 16 yo girl w/1o amenorrhea, 1.40m 45kg, ?most likely ovarian
appearance: ?atrophy* (Turner™s), ?policystic
41. Endometrial ca
42. Pt w/known gralized complex sz; now described w/partial sz
(only hand etc), where is the focus? temporal lobe*
43. Pt goes for routine check up on thread mill, ST elevation,
coronary art OK on angiocath, ? which TX, with arrows: to decr
afterload, decr CO etc
44. Headaches “ types. Migrainewoman vomits, etc at least 3 or 4
qs about headaches
45. Cluster headache *: M.C in men
46. Barbiturates intoxication, ?typical liver findings on
biopsy/autopsy: incr SER* (BRS path)
47. To prevent reperfusion injury in mice (during experiment): give
antioxidant 1h before, just before injury etc
48. Factor XIIa*: links coagulation, kinin and complement
49. AAA incr risk for damage in/after surgery?, sigmoid colon?,
jejunum?, ileum? cecum?
50. Length, tension, force velocity relationship
51. Calculate diffusion or not, given weird numbers of hydrostatic P,
oncotic P etc
52. Hyperaldosteronism, different forms, many qs
53. HyperPTH, osteoporosis, ca++, P and PTH relationship
w/arrows, at least 3qs
54. Diabetes, lots of qs, receptor for insulin, receptors for
sulfonylureas, glucophage/lactic acidosis, Tx etc, HY!
55. Child w/GI hemorrhage, chronic anemia, given H2 blocker, gets
better, ?most likely disease: GE reflux*
56. Ca thyroid _ radiation exposure*
57. CF, ?receptor: transmembrane conductance regulator*
58. Constriction efferent arteriole, ?consequences: incr GFR, decr
RPF, incr filtration fraction (in arrows)
59. Drug which incr bronchial dilatation and decr heart rate, +
other (?x) etc?isoproterenol? other? Not mentioned on q stem
name of first drug..kinda weird
60. which option would incr concentration of 1 25 DHD3?
Hypocalcemia*(similar in Gannong)
61. Hypoxic vasoconstriction, ?Site: lungs*
62. Patient w/multiple skin ca types,? pathogenesis: defective dimers
63. Decr FEV1sec/FEV relationship, in obstructive disease, asthma
64. Alcoholic + thyamine deficiency, ?findings in autopsy:
destruction of mamillary bodies*.
1. Infant described w/hydrocele (transillumination etc),
?pathogenesis: patent processus vaginalis*
2. Fx medial humeral epicondyle, ?nerve injury: ulnar nerve*
3. Ant compartment sy, lower extremity, ?damage: tibial artery*,
deep peroneal nerve* (2qs)
4. Pudendal block for delivery: landmark, ischial spine*
5. Injury upper trunk of brachial plexus, 2 qs
6. Stillborn, olygohydramnios, lung hypoplasia, ?most likely:
kidneys™ agenesis* (Potter)
7. Hydronephrosis + hydroureter in newborn, ?pathogenesis _Post
urethral valves BUT they wrote instead: congenital stenosis of
membranous urethra*
8. Pt lies supine, with flexed knee, we ask to raise his leg against R
about his thigh, ? which muscle are we testing: ?quadriceps
femori, ?iliopsoas, etc
9. Dye passes between cells: connexons* (HY!)
10. S/p thyroidectomy, pt described w/tetany symptoms, ?Tx: give
ca++ (*)
11. PTH, on surgery, found only 2 sup and 1 inf parathyroid glands,
where to look for the 4th missing one? Thymus*
12. Barbiturates toxicity, pathology in liver? Incr SER*
13. Elderly pt with distended SB on AXR and large bowel just to
mid “transverse colon, lactic acidosis, ?most likely: SMA
14. How we get retropneumoperitoneum, location of perforation:
ascending colon*, jejunum, ileum, cecum, sigmoid
15. Pt described w/huge hiatal hernia, ? associated symptoms:
?lymphatic obstruction*, ?incr vagal activity, ?DVT, varicocele
etc(no GER, or GI symptoms mentioned)
16. Embriology middle ear, 1st arch?, 1st cleft?, 1st pouch?, 2nd arch?
17. Why females get more peritonitis from STD?, fallopian tubes
open within the peritoneum*
18. Meiosis I: 1o oocyte +- mitotic spindle? 2nd oocyte? Etc
19. Innervation by chorda tympani: 2/3 post tongue +
submandibular+submaxill glands*
20. Macrophages of liver: Kupffer cells* (Kidney - mesangial cells/
Lungs - alveolar macrophages/ Brain - microglial cells/ Lymph -
circulating macrophages)
21. PDA closure noted on fetal US,? Drug mother took:
22. In which part of the adrenal gland mineralocorticoids are
secreted? Zona glomerulosa*
23. Description of 16 y old w/primary amenorrhea, short slightly
overweighted (this mentioned just in measurement), poor
secondary sex charact, , if u biopsy ovaries, what would u see?
Atrophy?; polycystic ovaries?.etc (there were 2 qs one was
clearly Turner.the other might be polycystic ovaries as well)
1. Alkaptonuria, ?parents asked u about long term prognosis:
?arthritis*, ?renal calculi
2. Pathogenesis of CGD of childhood
3. Menkes disease, MOA
4. In which part of the cell removal of the introns from mRNA take
place?: nuclei*?, RER? Golgi? Etc
5. CF, MOA receptor, CF transmembrane conductance regulator
gene _ defect in Cl- channels* (CF is HY, many qs)
6. SCD (but not in q stem), they said disease caused by substitution
val for glu, question about which type of bond of bond is
7. Mother Hx of myelomeningocoele, son with MMC, which
vitamin decreases risk for this abnormality? Folate*
8. Hypercholesterolemia, ?pathogenesis: ans description of LDL
receptor (Receptors and second messengers r extremely HY!)
9. tRNA wobble diagram, asked to show site of different functions
(2 qs..similar q in retired or self test)
10. Fetal alcohol sy: 2 qs
11. Tx child with hyperammonemia, etc
12. ?Reason some pts get lactic acidosis post alcohol
ingestion.know everything u can about OH
13. McArdle™s described, ? enzyme: muscle phosphorilase
14. Von Gierke™s*, description disease
15. Drawing IG, where does the Ag bind?
16. Multiple skin ca (xeroderma pigmentosum), ?what™s wrong;
DNA repair defect*
17. Mother has 2 y old son w/ MPS w/ decr iduronidase and w/N
chromosomes, now she is pregnant again, amniocentesis is done,
demonstrated decr iduronidase, what else is necessary to be
done: ?check for MPS in amniotic fluid*, ?chromosomal
analysis, ?fetal biopsy of the liver, ?mothers liver biopsy
18. Prader Willi sy, paternal imprinting, microdeletion 15q*
Beh. Sciences:
1. Pt described w/delirium* post cholecystectomy
2. Girl with IDDM, not compliant, feel embarrassed about disease,
3. Informed consent, 2qs
4. Calculate odds ratio, all values were not given in tables, u have to
make ur own table and understand where in the q stem u have to
pick the valuesvery imp!! Lots of qsthis is not difficult and
worth knowing this..of course for everything sensitivity,
specificity, PPV, NPV etc
5. Asked about a new test, check values glucose many times, given
the measurements, what r u checking; ?precision*, ?accuracy
6. Test with high specificity is useful to confirm a diagnosis
7. Clinical trial described u have to choose it from the options
8. Power
9. Boy w/ADHD, last year at school, he did ok, present year not,
who is ashamed: ?teacher, ?parents etc (doctor at least not
10. Bipolar disorder (student says her project would save the world,
doesn™t sleep, etc..1 y before, 1month depressed all time in bed..)
11. Adolescent pt w/symptoms of depression, highest risk for suicide
attempt: previous attempt w/ASA
12. Asked about narcissistic personality
13. Schyzoid pt? Schizophrenia?, etc
14. Woman doesn™t want to have sex more than once in 2 months;
?name of disorder
15. 8 y o girl with pain etc in introitum, doesn™t allow physician to
check that area, starts yelling not again, Dr asks about abuse,
mother gets upset, wants to leave the room, what do u do next:
?inform the mother that she has to stay until u check the girl
adequately, ?Call security.
16. 20 y o pt with ribs fractures, bruises etc while checking her she
realized it™s late, and she says she has to go back home, if not her
husband gets very upset, how do u approach her?
17. 30 + y o, mom of 3 kids, says she feel hopeless, cries all days, etc,
18. Pt referred for primary amenorrhea, eventually she is XY, and
how do u explain this to the patient?
19. Pt w/ breast lesion on palpation, what do u tell the patient: feel
something there, u don™t know what is it, so u would like her to
have a mammo done (most reasonable option)
20. Tx of bulimia
21. Pt w/certain ca type, according to statistics: 1y sv: 90%; 2y SV:
85%; 3y SV:80%; 4y:75%; 5y sv: 70%*; pt has this ca for 2 y,
?survival by 5y .this is very simple when u talk about survival
u don™t have to make doesn™t matter how many
years that pt has the disease
22. Q about Chlamydia in students, prevalence decrease /increase of
what? (options incl they treat more pts, less awareness (don™t
remember exactlyso they described u several situations that
might cause these changesso u need to understand what they r
talking about, very HY epidemiology/stats!)
23. Old male with classical podagra symptoms, + incr ESR, u have
to TX w/steroids, lots of AE to this TX, what makes u decide to
biopsy?: If it™s going to change management*?, to show medical
student? etc
24. Narcolepsy
25. Pt that does what she wants goes and chat all time at nurse
station, etc, how do u treat this pt? be assertive
26. Elderly pt recovered from CVA, pt speaks slowly, daughter says
he is depressed, bad mood, etc, ?what do u do next: ?ask the
patient* (ALWAYS whenever possible), ?ask the nurses etc
27. Person who committed brutal suicide, which NT is decr?
Serotonin, ?NE
28. Scheme about sensitivity, etc similar to CD
29. Phenotype mentally retarded, fragile X, at least 3 qs of fragile X.
30. Most important preventable cause of cancer: smoking
31. Depression
32. Normal grieving
Micro, Immuno:
1. Pt w/CF and bronchiectasis, gets pneumonia, ?bug: P.
2. HZV, why do u give acyclovir? To reduce duration and severity
of symptoms of present disease
3. virus: description disease, asked about etiology: virus not
mentioned just morphologic description: DNA/ RNA, double or
single stranded, icosahedral, naked etc (3 or 4 qs like this, 1
w/HSV, 1 w/mumps, 1w/exanthema subitum)
4. Female from NW USA, gets cardiomyopathy? Etiology? Viral?
5. Nasopharyngeal ca a/w: EBV
6. Girl from rural area, no immunizations, doesn™t go to school,
sore throat, high fever, exudative membranes-likes (not
pseudomemebarnes; ? diphtheria, ?Group A strep (it seemed to
b diphtheria..esp since they said no immunization, similar qs in
Pretest vignettes)
7. boy 13 y o, swims every morning, on physical exam, pain why u
press tragus, pain EAC, etc ?Bug; pseudomona
8. Nurse with sinusitis and air-fluid level on x-rays; bug needed
factor V and X, ?source: from hospital?, from patient? N flora
from nares?, N flora from nasopharynx?
9. Ig A deficiency vs. Hyper Ig M syndrome
10. Boy and brother get meningococcus, ?deficiency (late
11. Pt described w/HZV, Gramm and Wright stains
done?findings.multinucleated giant cells
12. Experimental mice w/Bruton™s tirosinase deficiency, which bug r
they more prone to get infections from?
13. CIN a/w HPV
14. Picture w/staghorn, ?bug: proteus
15. Mother gets a cold, her child gets a more compl disease a week
later w/symptoms like epiglottitis; ?bug: ?parainfluenza, ?RSV
16. Which bugs are used for quality control of a laboratory: ?E.coli
+ H.influenza, ?E.coli +.
17. Pt went to Africa, came back w/malaria, given 2 drugs incl
primaquine, ?why
18. Pregnant female gets CMV, ?perinatal infection, ?congenital
infection etc
19. CGD described, pathogenesis?
20. HIV, why Tx w/3 drugs? For high frequency of mutational R
21. Giardia slide _ malabsorption
22. CD4 _ MHC II
1. Pt treated for severe trychophytosis w/griseofulvin, what other
drug works at the same timing? Paclitaxel
2. MOA acetazolamide
3. MOA tiazides
4. MOA loop diuretics (diuretics HY)
5. Male w/CHF, gets gynecomastia, ? drug: spironolactone
6. Tx: nephrogenic DI
7. Pt Tx w/captocril, can™t stand cough _ Losartan
8. tricyclics + urinary retention
9. Pt w/agranulocytosis: Tx: G-CSF
10. Pt with documented severe allergic reaction to penicillin, what
do u give? Cephalosporins? Aztreonam? Vanco?
11. MOA Cyclosporine (asked which one suppresses IL-2.)
Cyclosporin A - direct suppressive effect of B and T helper cells.
12. Tx Hay fever; choose MOA DOC
13. MOA antihistaminic drug
14. MOA Sulfonylureas
15. INH _ hepatitis
16. Procainamide + SLE
17. Flumazenil, diagram, ?competitive antagonist: chlordiazepoxide
18. heroin, now on methadone program, ?adverse effects;
?constipation, SE methadone: constipation
19. Pt treated w/captopril, get cough, change to similar: losartan
20. Prophylaxis contacts w/meningococcus: Rifampin
21. Anions, cations, + acetazolamide
22. Classic: Nortryptiline + MAO inh
23. Nitrates MOA (molecular level) activate guanylate cyclase NO
24. Amiodarone, AE: pulmonary fibrosis
25. Milrinone
26. Female 30w pregnant, on prenatal US ductus is closed, ?drug
given: indomethacin
27. Showed diagram of stomach physiol.asked which drug acts on
H2 receptorscimetidine
28. Spindle poisons _ plant alkaloids
29. Tx addison™s: fludrocortisone + glusocortic
30. tPA + MOA intrinsic plasminogen? Extrinsic?
Exogenous.kinda confusing
31. 2 curves with effect of 2 drugs X and Y why is Y steeper and
lower than X? because of quicker reabsorption/ elimination/
bioavailability volume of distribution.. etc
32. Antagonist drug response curve
33. Parathion poisoning;atropine + ? = Pralidoxime
34. Tx migraine in asthmatic
35. Description of pt. having Absence seizures, Tx? Ethosuxomide
36. Adverse effects of lovastatin _ muscle pain.
Is this reward for torturing us for this long ;-))

I like it...thnak you!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
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