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i am so mad....... - kol
i have delayed my exam from december to fab,becoz i felt that my prep is not good and now i had these worse news that some relatives r going to stay in my home which is a small two bed apartment for twenty days..i will have to give that family my bedroom and share nightmare along with my husband and kids..sometimes io totally hate extended family system of ours where people take their kids and give hell for so many days ..i dont know i am sooo frustrated..
go to the library or starbucks!!!!!!!!!!! be determined!!! You can do it Smile
ahhh..thanx cjay...i am still in shock..these people always let u down with their disheartning gossip that this woman is stupid,not looking after kids ,house ,just has her foolish dream in her head...i will have to hide even my books so that they may not know otherwise they will gossip around ..oh God pl help me..
c'mon. you finish your med skool - remember the times when you non med friends were having fun n haning out and u were the one burning the mid nite oil and didn't care what othes have to say = who cares? these would be the same ppl who would praise you later with all the MONEY you'll make in med filed and the expensive cars you'll drive Later! SO, HOLD ON !!! Don't PAY ATTENTION to the DUMB PPL Smile Hope this will help.... ... and this shall too pass - Smile
try to see if you can find an appartment form them even if you pay for it. I think that your exam is worth the money.
thanx for your encouragement..i was so much frustrated that i had to spill it somewhere..and god bless this always hold u in arms matter what i have to face them ,cook for them,clean for them and show my best attire as he is nephew of my husband an d my hubby is very sensitive for them..but i will study whatever time i will get..i wish i could say them..people stay in your blessed homes God sake..its december..and u know how many they r(thankfully only half r coming) husband,wife,two kids and two little brothers of husband(three nephews of my hubby,total six)...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,but as cjay said..this time will pass..
it will and when you look back you'll lauf.
just remember one thing --) don't let people walk over ya ---) it's always nice to let ppl (esp who take u for granted) know that you have a life n carrier/goals as well (in a diplomatic way) You are not a genie and you will do you best but again, you have a life too!

Oops! I am not Dr. Phil LOL but I worked in psych and that's my passion!!!!
you use nevia vanishing cream and stay off sight for the while hehe
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