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USCE ??? Should I take 6 months off work or not? - newbie007
I was thinking to take a couple months to work in a US hospital 'to work for free to gain US experience' - so that I can get into a residency program the following year 08....Or should I just stay in my homecountry (UK) and work there??? Any ideas?
How important is USCE. I have passed USMLEs with 'good scores'...but only 1 mo US experience as medstudent years ago....
Externship v observership?
Or any personal experience/how easy is it to get it?? Would be appreciated - thnx!
it is very important to get USCE, getting good scores is good....but don't limit yourself....residency now a days is getting very competitive. the more you have on your plate the better the outcome for you. try for a some USCE, research, publications, US letter of recommendation are very helpful. if not, go for a externship or obervership at US hospitals. it will definity help u. Good luck

Depends on what you are doing in the Uk.If you are doing a observership/honorary SHO/locum SHO better to go to U.S and get some USCE.

But if you are in a proper training job then not advisable to look for USCE or do it for a maximum of 1 month [if your scores are in low 80s I would recommend or if you dont have publications ].I am from UK and attended iv.s.I dont think that I had any disadvantage in not havin USCE since most programs consider UKCE similar to USCE.There are around 15 hospitals which I definitely know which will shortlist just UK candidates.

What will further hel if you are from the UK is MRCP/MRCPCH which wil give you a great advantage even if you complete as many parts as possible.

Apart from
UK experience also helps....particularly in many PA state programs.....
sill if u get time....try to get more USCE for best chances along with some research.
hi sniper5

Am also a UK person like yourself, UK grad, UK experience etc. How true is it that UK experience will be considered similar? I am in a substantive post and have only done substantive posts since finishing med school here.

Would be grateful to know those hospitals that shortlist UK people?

Email is


ok UKCE is considered similar to USCE in community/ average univ. hospitals. But if you want exceptional univ.hospitals [ Mayo, Harvard ] then obviously u need USCE.Moreover my experinece is in Medicine so what I have said take it true only you are appying for medicine as for the other subspecialities I know if you have MRCP it helps and will go a long way.

Hospitals which shortlist UK candidates are :

1. Baystate, MA

2. Hospital of St. Raphael, CT

3. Penysylvania Hospital, PA

4. Lankenau Hospital, PA

5. University of Connecticut, CT

6. Texas Tech Lubbock Medical Centre Program, TX

7. Case Western Metro Health, OH

8. Rosalind Franklin, Il

9. St. Francis, Evanston,IL

10. Gunderson Lutheran, WN,

11.University of Missouri, MO

12.Bronx - Lebanon, NY

13. St. Marys, MO

14. Albert Einstein, PA

15. UPMC, Shadyside

What you will note in this list is 90% of these Hospitals sponsor H1B. These hospitals are from my own personal or friends' experience where they have gone for iv's and found atleast more than 3 UK on the same iv day or at leat 3 out of 5 UK persons have got iv's

Since we are restricted by visa issues we obviously did not apply for the big names or to programs outside the east and mid west.Hence we sre not sure about Iowa, Dakota,Michigan,Florida and the west

Obviously try to have a publication in a big journal, and clear step 3 or MRCP which will defiitely help you to get better residencies
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