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i really need help? - looli
i have a question cuz i 'm so confused i'm a foreign graduate in 2006 i have my step1 resault which is 88 and i will do my second step in sept and my cs in oct i wanna get in 2008 matching what do u think can i?i was wondering that by oct i will have 2 scores of mine and already do the cs thing .but my question is that shall i wait till 3rd week of oct to get my ck resault and apply with 2 scores of mine at the end of oct or i just go through the matching with my step one ?do i loose alot if i apply at the end of oct?by the way i waana get in internal or ob/gyn field?plz help me cuz i dont know anybody around to ask them atall!!!!!!

The general rule is to have a COMPLETE application by September 1st. However, not everyone can do this.

Once programs get applications (about >1000 for 10 spots) they will pick out the best ones on an on going basis. Therefore, people who apply late in the Match, i.e. Oct stand to loose interviews at SOME programs because the interview spots will alread be filled.

With that said, and given your goals apply Sept 1st. I think the deciding factor for getting interviews for you will be LoRs. If you have excellent LoR's then the programs will give you an interview and then wait for your Step 2 scores.

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