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Can anyone clarify seizure? - pin
Is myoclonic and tonic-clonic seizure same? i thought it was different.
its definitely different. tt diff too. valproic for former and phenytoin for latter.
dift. in myoclonic single or multiple jerks (mostly single)
tonic clonic has two phasesTonic phase pt become rigid and fall to ground, resp arrested, loss of conscious.then jerkin 4 two three mts anf flaccid coma.
wel both r generalized
strange think is, its not mentioned in Kaplan or FA.
yes valproate for myoclonic, and back up is phenobarbital, and for tonic-clonic, you can use valproate, phenytoin, carbamazepine, and back up is also phenobarbital in pregnancy.
i meant nothing was mentioned about myoclonic, in those books.
thank you for your input, both of you.
its like tonic clonoc has three phases TONIC, CLONIC(jerky), FLACCID.with tongue bitin and incontinence,postcoital confusion.
while Myoclonic just few jerks. thats what i know!!
no they are not...myclonic are repetitive jerks...usually the patient experiences them in the morning the moment they wake up....or when they are sleep deprived...or when they are stressed out....all these circumstances trigger myoclonic jerks..
if a patient is holding something in his hands like glass or any thing it will fall off to the ground....there is great chance if injuries during those jerks....
jerks can be seen in any of the limbs... drug of choice is sodium valproate.....

tonic clonic seizures are also generalized seizures but in this case the body stiffens...and after that its thrown into clonus.....there is loss of consiousness....while in myoclonus there isnt any loss of consiousness though its genralized...but patient remains alert and knows whats going on....he can feel his body jerking.....or limbs doesnt last that long!
so in myoclonus.....there is no loss of consiousness
while in tonic clonic there is loss of consious ness...
dumbblonde, why did you name you id this? shouldnt you change to smartblonde, lol. just kidding, my id is pin, because i am lazy, and i wanted to type a short user name,
thank you guys!
u are welcome pin......

...and abt my id.....i was thinking once i pass step 1...i wouldnt my self dumb any more....!
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