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advice -

Thank you Docepsy and all for your warm encouragements.
I really feel a change since I read your posts. now, I have hope and I'll probably go for it.
cheng - chengthedoctor

i myself failed step1 twice. before my 2nd attempt though, i took step2 and passed at 80 (i used crush the boards, NMS, Qbank, Qbook - took 3months). i plan to take step1 for the third time next year...let's both see this as a challenge! we can do it! i will defer 2005 match for 2006 though...have to work on my finances first.

if you do go for the 2005 match and get a position, please email would be a really inspiring story. good luck! good luck!

Sitting the exam again, deferring the exam or sitting Step 2 is not the solution - none alone will necessarily bring success.

I had asked before why you think you failed. Having failed twice it is unlikely to be by chance and there is probably a reason for it. Unless you can identify the problem or issue that has caused you to fail twice and then rectify it, there is a reasonable probability that you will fail again. I would suggest some introspection and then defining exactly where the problem lies - once you deal with the problem (successfully) you will have no problem passing. However if you face the exam the same way you have done for the last two attempts, there is no reason to expect a different outcome. It is likely that there is something deficient in your exam preparation method or exam technique and without correction they will still be in operation next time.
docspy - docespy

I agree with ani, but that shouldn't take you but a few minutes
at the most a couple of hours and as you study this time you'll
be able to see the difference.
The most important thing to do right now is register and prepare and make sure you evaluate yourself with NBMEs CCSSA before sitting for the real thing.
I know you're going to pass this time, you're sooooo close.
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