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rmp - lucidinterval
A 32-year-old man is recovering from third-degree burns over 50% of his body surface area. His serum potassium is low (2.9 mEq/L), which is common in healing burn victims. He exhibits postural hypotension and skeletal muscle weakness. If the equilibrium potential (Nernst potential) for K+ in a nerve cell was “105 mV and the equilibrium potential for Na+ was +55 mV, what would be an approximate value for the resting membrane potential for a nerve cell in this man, assuming normal membrane permeability?

(A) +80 mV
(B) +52 mV
© +22 mV
(D) “25 mV
(E) “50 mV
(F) “98 mV

Can someone please explain this to me. The answer is F
i think thats the only value near to K+ eq value and as nerve cell resing mp is near to K+. so
thats make it -98mv(near to -105)
forum is 2 quite
we r answerin each other lol
yeah i kn ow. everyone seems to be hibernating! well opefully they're doing more productive work than me! Smile
hypokalemia hyperpolarises cell memb moving the rmp closer to K+ eq potential. whenever the cell gets depolarised the memb potential moves closer to that of Na ie becomes more pos. so -98 would be the ans.
just logged in. struggling with biostats today. how r u guys doing?
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