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milestones - amir2000
please any advice how to study them,they are many,annoying and easy to be forgetten,so what is the right way to keep them in mind,thx for your time
just learn these many:

1, Language development:,
a, Social smiles: 2 months.
b, Babbles: 6 months.
c, 2 words, obeys 1-step command: 1 year.
d, 2-3 word phrases, obeys 2-step command: 2 years.
2, Gross motor development: ,
a, Holds head: 3 months.
b, Rolls back to front and front to back: 4 months.
c, Sits well unsupported: 6 months.
d, Walks alone: 12 months.
e, Walks up and down stairs without help: 24 months.
3, Fine motor development:,
a, Raking grasp: 6 months.
b, Throws object: 12 months.
c, Builds tower of 2 blocks: 15 months.
d, Builds tower of 6 blocks/turn pages of books: 24 months.
4, Social development:,
a, Recognizes parents: 2 months.
b, Recognizes strangers (stranger anxiety): 6 months.
c, Imitates action/comes when called: 12 months.
d, Plays with other children: 18 months.
e, Parallel play: 24 months.
realy appreciate docnar,but do you think these are enougth?!!!
absolutely... this is much is enough to be remembered.. and hey i dont say that uworld guys do... i typed this from a uworld explanation..
Walks alone: 12 months...can't believe this my son is 14.5 months now and just learn to walk two weeks ago...and my good friend's daughter 15 month old has yet to walk...doc said all normal...12 month in my eye is a bit stretching....

aslo the square, triangle drawing things there are quite a bit difference bw UW, Kaplan and FA... do not know what to trust...but prolly UW
i agree... they are different everywhere.. so to follow one..i'm followin uworld... i'm sure milestones vary a little between kids... no kid is gonna just wake up and start walkin on his 1st b'day... its just a rough idea... right? :-)
thanks docnar
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