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Disputing Step 3 results -

Hi all,

I just recently took Step 3 for the first time and got a
182 (which is now considered failing after they raised
the pass score from 182 to 184 in April).

Is there any room for dispute, especially with regards to
the clincal case scenarios taken on the 2nd day?

If I had taken the exam 2 months earlier, I would've passed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Dear Friend:

I am sorry to say that you have to take one more time because even if you show mistakes on the face FSMB won't accept. So do not waste your time.

When did you take the test?. If it is on March 31 and April 1 there is a possibility. Let me know.

Dear Heme Cobalt,

Comp was true about what she said to you. I made a 180 back in February at which time the passing was 182 so I know how you feel and I can certainly empathize with you. I have been there so I know. Now disputing your score with them is a waste of time and money (it used to be $150 to get your score done manually but I don;t know what it is now). I disputed my score one time before and it was a waste. It only builds false hope. Even if they find 2 points for you, they would not tell you about and they would not give it to you.

Unfortunately, they are the absolute supremes except they are not God. Prayerfully and with his help, you will pass the next time you take it, but please know that you will have study just as hard to pass this time. If you don't study as hard you score will go down. All the best to you. Take care.
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