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rx for pleural effusion - krishna07
if uncomplicated rx leave alone or somthing else
i have the same confusion. how do we treat transudative effusion. or the other one uncomplicated effusion.
for trans. eff, rx the cause & if severe give diuretics.
for uncomlicated parapneumonic eff just rx the pneum. & eff. will resolve.
for complic. ,chest tube drainage
Diuretics--How do they help in effusion. Given for Edema, but effusion??????/Please explain
Uncomplicated depends on amount of effusion . If very liitle leave alone and treat the cause at the same time. If large then tap it or place a chest tube.
If para pnneumonic then definitely a chest tube alon with antibiotics
If chronic----then give intrapleural Bleomycin to fibrose it or talc can be used---many mor e drugs are used for that
parapneumonic eff can be complicated or uncomplicated. tube drainage is needed only for the complicated one.....

transudative eff occur in conditions like CHF , cirhosis, nephrotics..., & responds with diuretic rx
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