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VCU riverside - bpositive
Can anyone plz share thr iv experience in the fp program.I have my only iv thr!!
Racist program.. if you are white you are all set. Just smile and you will be find. This year the offered alot prematch to white candidates because last year they have a couple unfilled spots.

Good luck
VA state programs are generally never IMG friendly

I don't think you are, but I'll ask anyway.
are you white?
if they only want whites, why would they bother inviting non-whites and waste their precious time?

just because a program doesn't kiss the ass of every IMG who decides he/she has some god given right to invade this country, does not mean they are racists.

If hordes of americans decided to show up in some foreign country, would we have any rights to practice there?

Virginia happens to be one of the friendliest places on the planet and it pisses me off to no end to hear you say that, because they didn't give YOU a prematch then they must be racists.
You don't like it, then piss-off back home.

Stop bitching and be grateful you have a chance here.

PEACE my brother

I just needed to know how is the iv experience.I am not white but i am happy tht they have invited me, as this is my only iv. Also if you look in the pics of the residents...not many r whites thr.So i would appreciate if someone who had their iv sites his experiences related to it

that is my point exactly.

you can see on their website that the claim is not true
but some of the people on this forum hurl that accusation each and every time they are not given an invitation.

sometimes i suspect they do it to give the programs a bad review and scare off their competition.

ignore these idiots
go to your interview and be friendly, very friendly
it's all you can do.

I've heard it's a very good program. GL! BTW I'm white IMG and I didn't get IV with them. Smile
All the best!
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