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q19 - raji_321
A 50-year-old physician is recovering from aseptic meningitis that began two weeks ago. He appears to have lost considerable cognitive function, and he says he will not go on living if his cognitive ability remains compromised. To demonstrate to him that recovery is occurring, serial evaluations with which of the following psychological assessments is indicated?
A. Halstead-Reitan Battery
B. Stanford Binet Intelligence Test
C. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale
D. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
E. Wide Range Achievement Test
A. ¿¿?
never heard of it
I like that you posted this question because i saw the same question or a similar one in kaplan i think and i was related to a patient who had severe head trauma.

what´s the answer_¿?
Halstead-Reitan Battery is a group of tests that reflects the basic and higher level cognitive and neuro-sensory functioning of the entire brain, and can be used in a serial fashion with little learning effect being present. Since there is recovery of function for up to 2 years post CNS-trauma, test results can demonstrate that the present loss the patient is experiencing is not permanent. (BATTERy of tests for checking HALt or STEADy or improvement)

The Stanford Binet Intelligence Test (choice B), used in the adult, mainly reflects verbal skills
and consequently would miss large portions of this man's situation. (STANFORD university= need VERBAL skills

The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (choice C) assesses developmental and social functioning, not cognitive and neuro-sensory abilities. (WINE = SOCIALizing)

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (choice D) confines its results to intelligence assessment and does not assess more basic issues like aphasia and neuro-sensory skills.

The Wide Range Achievement Test (choice E) assesses academic achievement only.
correct answer is A ( i missed this part in above post)
raji, is there anything u can skip for this exam:-)

nice q.
lumbarpuncture u know how exam is.. & u can see how scared iam to learn such remote things.... Smile
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