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Pyromania at smash - okt3
A 14-year-old boy has been suspended from school a number of times for fighting. He once stabbed a classmate with a sharp pencil and has been in trouble with the police for curfew violations and vandalizing property. He recently beat a neighborhood cat to death with a stick and threw the corpse into a trash can he had started on fire. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Conduct disorder
C. Learning disability
D. Antisocial personality disorder
E. Oppositional defiant disorder

y not D?
i think aftter 18 yrs of age antisocial,less than 18 conduct disorder

A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least six months during which four or more of the following are present:
1. Often loses temper
2. often argues with adults
3. often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
4. often deliberately annoys people
5. often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
6. is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
7. is often angry and resentful
8. is often spiteful and vindictive
The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.


A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major society rules are violated. At least three of the following criteria must be present in the last 12 months, and at least one criterion must have been present in the last 6 months
1.agression to people and animals
2.destruction of property
3.deceitful or theft
4.serious violation of rules

The above problem causes significant impairment in social , academic, and occupational functioning
yes u r all correct, thank you proteus, we need to know the concept, that is the reason to post the answer with explanations so we can learn.

Choice (A) is the correct answer. Conduct disorder is characterized by antisocial behavior that violates the rights of others. Fighting, vandalizing, disregard for authority, lying, cheating, and stealing are all characteristic of conduct disorder. Pyromania and cruelty to animals are commonly seen with conduct disorder. There is a lack of empathy and remorse. The diagnosis of conduct disorder is made in individuals younger than 18 years of age.

Conduct disorder is associated with both ADHD (Choice B) and learning disabilities (Choice C). The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (Choice D) can be made when an individual is 18 years old or older. For those who do not meet criteria for conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder (Choice E) should be considered. Oppositional defiant disorder is characterized by disregard for authority and angry outbursts. Kids with oppositional defiant disorder are often in trouble at school and have difficulty making friends. They are easily annoyed and often lose their temper. Disobeying rules is common, as well as arguing with others. Oppositional defiant behaviors must occur with more frequency than other kids of the same age and developmental level to make the diagnosis.
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