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phenytoin during pregnancy - angima33
infants of mothers who have been taking phenytoin during pregnancy are said to have vit k deficieny post partum,
anybody can expalin what is the mechanism?

Phenytoin interferes with vitamin K in the formation of precursor protein for coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X, and also inc the metabolsm of certain vitamins including vit D,and given phytonadione (vit k).
i heard of folate deficinecy and symptoms of vit d. def. in people taking phenytoin (phenytoin render tissues insensitive for vit d). not herad of vit. k. is it because that phenytoin degrade steroids via induction of microsomal enzmes and cause vit. k? another possibility is that it displace vit k from albumin in the serum and may facilitate vit. k degradation. both vit k and phenytoin are highy albumin bound. so compeition is possible. the mechanisms of displacing vit k from albumin has been shown to mediate vitamin k deficinecy in several other drug interactions as well.

i am not sure of answer though.
Phenytoin also inhibits intestinal cojugase thereby inhibiting the conversion of polyglutamate into monoglutamate which contributes to macrocytic anaemia. Normally Folate is absorbed as a monoglutamate in the Jejunum.
Alcohol inhibits this absorbtion also.
thanks guys,

you have been helpful
good luck to u all
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