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Renal Tubular Acidosis Question - salsterz

Guys..I was wondering if a kind soul could post a brief summery explaining renal tubular acidosis its its treated..what labs..etc. I just could not find a good source for this..I didnt like the way kaplan explains it either. So if u could direct me to a good source or post a summary..i will be most appreciative!
ok salsertz i will try to explain!!

lets start with

RTA-1.-in this distal tubule cannot secrete acid though ph is acidic and urinary ph is basic!!
so u will always see urinary ph>5.5.!!!this will further retard binding of h+ with titarble acid hpo4-!!

what u have to notice is that NH4cl excretion in urine does not take place so anion gap is normal!!
so when there will be compettiton for h+ in distal tubule with k+ so more secretion of K+ in urine
chronic acidosis will lead to dec renal tubular absorption of Ca so u see hypercalcemia,alaknised urine,&level of urinary citrate so CaPo4 stones and nephrocalcinosis!!

so what u got from rta-1 is hypokalemic hypocholermic metabolic acidosis!!

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