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for ultradoc and friends.. - 2confused2bdoctor
FA link correction for 2008

Correction for FA 2007

p. 70
Written advance directive
In addition to directing physicians to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment, a living will can direct physicians as to what life-sustaining treatments a patient wants and does not want.
p. 96
Regulation by F2,6BP
The arrows between fructose-6-phosphate and fructose-2,6-bisphosphate should be reversed in direction to be correctly paired with the adjacent enzyme and its function.
p. 98
Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation
Uncoupling agents cause a ↓ in the proton gradient, thus causing maximal (↑) consumption of O2 in an unsuccessful attempt to produce ATP. The membrane becomes more permeable to protons.
p. 101
Transport of ammonium by alanine and glutamine
In the transamination reaction depicted in the second diagram, glutamine should be replaced with α-ketoglutarate.
p. 102
Phenylalanine hydroxylase catalyzes the reaction of L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine, in the process converting THB to DHP. The arrow should be drawn only in this direction.
p. 104
Purine salvage deficiencies
In the figure, the arrows going from IMP to AMP are reversed. IMP to AMP is shown as one step; however, this is actually a two-step process.
p. 105
Glycogen synthase is the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of α (1→ 4) glycosidic bonds in glycogen. The number 1 should therefore be adjacent to the arrow just below where it is currently. The enzyme that catalyzes glucose-1-phosphate into UDP glucose is UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase.
The enzyme lacking in acute intermittent porphyria is now referred to as porphobilinogen deaminase or hydroxymethylbilane synthase, rather than uroporphyrinogen synthase.
p. 111
Heme synthesis
In the figure: δ-aminolevulinic acid does not negatively inhibit ALA synthetase. Instead, heme, the end product of this pathway, represses ALA synthetase activity. ALA synthetase is also known as ALA synthase.
p. 122
Embryologic derivatives
Not all of the cranial nerves are derived from the neural crest; thus œcranial nerves should be removed from this list.
p. 125
Fetal circulation
The single umbilical vein should be shaded to represent œhighly oxygenated blood and the two umbilical arteries should be unshaded to represent œless oxygenated blood.
p. 145
Bugs causing diarrhea
1) O157:H7 should be paired with enterohemorrhagic E. coli.
2) Shigella organisms have recently been found to be motile.
p. 163
HIV immunity
CXCR1 should be replaced with CXCR4. Mutations in CXCR4 do not clearly affect progression to AIDS.
p. 191
It would be more accurate to state œDeficiency of C1 esterase inhibitor leads to hereditary angioedema (overactive bradykinin). It has recently been shown that complement C1 esterase inhibitor inhibits kinin pathways as well as complement, and increased kinin activity is what causes angioedema.
Paraneoplastic effects of tumors
œBone metastasis (lysed bone) should be removed from the list of paraneoplastic causes of hypercalcemia because direct bone lysis is not a ˜paraneoplastic™ phenomenon.
p. 223
P-450 interactions
Quinidine is a (CYP2D6) P-450 inhibitor and an inducer of a different P-450 form (CYP3A4). Isoniazid is generally considered a P-450 inhibitor but has also been shown to activate the isozyme CYP2E1.
p. 224
Herbal agents
St. John™s wort is an inducer of the P-450 system, not an inhibitor.
p. 231
Auscultation of the heart
Pulmonic stenosis results in a systolic murmur, not a diastolic murmur as labeled under the pulmonic area on the diagram.
Congenital heart disease
Children may squat to increase PVR, not venous return.
Infarcts: red vs. pale
The liver should be listed as an example of red infarcts to be consistent with the figure. The brain should be removed from the list of pale infarcts, as both pale and red infarcts can occur in the brain depending on the location.
Heart murmurs
The aortic regurgitation murmur can also be described as an early diastolic decrescendo murmur.
p. 249
Findings include ECG changes with diffuse ST-segment elevation, usually with the exception of aVR and V1. There is also notable PR-segment depression.
p. 281
Femoral region
The femoral artery label should be femoral nerve; the adjacent dark strip should be labeled femoral artery; and the right-most strip should be labeled femoral vein.
Regulation of gastric acid secretion
On the right side of the figure, all of the drugs listed are depicted as inhibitors of the particular receptor. However, misoprostol is a PG receptor agonist rather than an antagonist.
p. 287
Liver anatomy
Zone III is most sensitive to toxic injury, not zone I.
p. 293
Colorectal cancer
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome has been associated with an ↑ risk for colorectal cancer in addition to other malignancies.
p. 293
Colorectal cancer
œApple core lesions for colorectal cancer are seen on barium enema, not barium swallow.
p. 296
Reye™s syndrome
The third phrase should read: œAssociated with viral infection treated with salicylates. Reye™s syndrome is not independently associated with salicylate.
p. 326
Smooth muscle contraction
The right-most part of the diagram should be changed to: œCross-bridge formation with contraction.
After the action of MLCP, œcontraction should be changed to œrelaxation. The dephosphorylation of the myosin light chain causes muscle relaxation.
p. 363
Primary brain tumors
In the supratentorial diagram, the pilocytic astrocytoma labeled œF is incorrectly placed in the anterior fossa. It is most often found in the posterior fossa, near the region labeled for œB.
Immunosuppressive agents: sites of action
In addition to step 4, tacrolimus also acts at steps 2 and 3, in a mechanism similar to that of cyclosporine.
p. 394
Nephron physiology
In diagram E, the intercalated pump is shown as having a Na+/H+ exchanger at the luminal surface. This should be a K+/H+ exchanger.
p. 397
At the first branch point, along with pH < 7.4 and pH > 7.4, the terms acidosis and alkalosis should be replaced with acidemia and alkalemia.
p. 400
Glomerular pathology
SLE may be characterized by subendothelial deposits (as in the figure) and/or subepithelial deposits (as in the text) depending on the pathologic classification.
p. 401
Transitional cell carcinoma
Schistosomiasis should be removed from the fourth line of the entry, and the final S in the mnemonic Pee SACS should be removed to read Pee SAC. Schistosomiasis is associated with an ↑ incidence of squamous cell carcinoma.
Pulmonary circulation
Exercise should be removed from the description of diffusion limited, as the O2 saturation on a normal athlete will never be lower than when at rest. However, patients with restrictive lung disease may show more impaired pulmonary function on exercise than at rest.
Obstructive lung disease (COPD)
Up arrow FVC is incorrect. FVC is reduced because the airways close prematurely at high lung volumes, yielding increased RV and therefore lower FVC.
Thnak you, i am studying with the 2006 version youhave the errata for those
It appears that the FA team started releasing the erratas starting with the 2007 ver.
thanks brother.. really appreciate Smile
yes there u r..i was wondering whether you got it or buddy..
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