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GOLJAN what every one follows??is it RR or 5star R - burningdesire
hai...what every follows about goljan it rapid review book or 5 star review confused!! plz following 5 star review it need to read raipd review also...which one is better...plz help out....
i think in us ppl follow RR n in india ppl usually follow 5star...
i read 5 star, but it's too much of info..try to get RR or Goljan notes.
It depends on which 5 STARS you are reading...
the 5 stars collection has a 518 pages text (which resembles somewhat the general path and systemic notes from goljan that you could download) and a 339 pages text which is a review text.
the 339 pages review text contains great questions at the end of each chapter. and it is an easily readable format (at least compared to the 518 pages STARS!).

the 518 pages text is rather long with lots of info that are pretty interesting but that you may not retain after reading. Reading this text and absorbing its contain would be a time-consuming task. Furthermore, the text format is pretty crammed and does not make a good REVIEW source for those that want to quickly review the material. You will have to sit and read it as a novel.

the New Rapid Review,looks like a more accessible book in its format. the pages layout is visually friendly. Goljan also added some extra info that you will not find in any of the STARS. I suppose that Goljan added some more USMLE HY info. One great advantage is the fact that there are pictures on this text, which may be irrelevent if you have the pictures download.

thanks a lot kalyan and aren

Thanks a lot for the INFO.

Got the much needed clarification
about 339pg STARS Vs RR...

I have been unable to take printouts
of there
any way to get the printouts...properly

Please advice.

hey, look at his notes bc his audios follows is notes. also his rapid review is really good
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