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can anybody explain why - nissan12
why there is hyponatremia in secondary aldosteronism?
sorry...i mean no hypernatremia...correction.
the main way of regular aldosterol is : Renin - angiotensin- aldosterol
anybody there to explain why there is no hypernatremia in secondary aldosteronism..?
vanco,drkhmer,jayasurya....anyone of u plz...
I remember docor goljan said
the total NA are increased but becouse the total water increased as well,the concentraition of Na seems to be normal
_ Hi nissan,

_ In secondary hyperaldosteronism: the initiating event is hypovolumia -->lead to Increase Renin-Ag2 system( RAS). increase RAS lead to 2 posible things:

+ increase secretion of Aldosterone --> increase reabsorbed Na+( increase serum Na+) and H2O, increase excretion K+.

+ stimulated ADH in colecting duct (CD) --> increase reabsorbed H2O at CD.

_ As the volum of H2O increase by ADH activity + Aldosterone activity --> dilute serum Na+. So that why you don't see Increase Serum Na+ ( serum Na+ not increase in Secondary Hyperaldosteronism).
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