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layman terms for DD - csprep09
wht do we say for...
-- Myocardial infarction/ischemia
-- Bronchitis
-- cholecystitis
--Infectious mono
I think...everybody understands Heart attack in US...for MI..inflammatio of your respiratort tract....Inflammation of your gall bladder.....infection of your glands by a virus....Am I correct or u wanna add sth?n
thank you so much for ur reply...
but do u think we can use heart attack..?? wont it panic the patient...?? but i am not sure
bronchotis... how abt saying... inflammation of ur airway system in the lungs..
wht do we say for .. convulsive episode
vasovagal attack
i think we can say heart attack but we can add that it is just one possibility ..there are also other causes can do same problem that u have. so I need to run some test first...
is inflammation lay term?
- can we say for MI: cause of your chest pain is due to inadequate blood flow to your heart what we call Myocardial ischaemia.
-can we say for vasovagal syncope: inadequate blood flow to your brain?
seizure: shaking movement is due to chemical imbalance in your brain
let me know i also want to know abt these lay term?
yeah .. for MI.. we can say.. inadequate bd flow to ur heart
i like this one for seizure.... chemical imbalance in brain....
i think we can use inflammation... i also read somewhere .... inflammation of breathing ducts....
anything more ...let us know
-more simple for MI: there is a condition where enough blood is not getting to your heart call ischemia (is true that most people in US are familiar with heart attack but I bet if you use heart attack the next question would be DR, I'm gonna die?)
- Bronchitis: inflammation of your airways (most people more familiar with airways than respi tract)
-Syncope (no matter the type): condition where enough blood or oxygen is not getting to your brain
-seizure: I like chemical imbalance in your brain.
Can we say: a lot of electrical discharge in your brain?
chemical imbalance sonds better than electrical discharge...,..coz the pt might ask.. wht is tht..??
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