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plz advice..urgent...sammy, jayasurya and others - dream2liv
hi ...
i really need advice regarding goljan audio ...i had done that for step1 ..and now doing uworld i feel they ask much of path what shud i do...step1 audio which i have already done..or listen to audio of step2 that step2 audio more helpful...
plz advice
thanks a lot..
They din ask me too much patho Tongue

What they ask is present in step2 books. Just a few pharma questions but those too are tested in ck q banks and lecture notes. I don't think you need to listen to step1 material. reading some topics from step1 'behavioural sciences' is useful. Particularly the developmental milestones are given better in that.

The rest my friend Jayasuria will tell you.
thanks sammy
it was while doing qs that i felt that they were asking pathophys ..and i thought of doing goljan ...its good that its not needed it consumes a lot of time too...

another point regarding pedia ,,
apart from the starting chapters of pedia ...that are different we really need to go thru kaplan well....i have done just once those chapters cud the uworld pedia suffice......

and have u any advice regarding FA ..whether to use that for subjects like gyne, obs, pshychiatry is beneficial or not ....

thanks in advance for the guidance ...good luck
I'll recommend going through the kaplan lecture notes well for pedia. Paeds is heavily tested and UW doesn't explain everything.

I haven't done FA or other review books. So I can't advise you on that. Your own notes are enough, if you have made any.
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