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how does squatting dec murmur of HOCM n MVP - got2study2pass
ok so i know it increases the venous return to the right heart and dec the blood to left heart,

is that why it dec the murmurs in this...not sure.
HOCM --> Hypertrophied septum obstructs the outlet --> murmur......... what would happen if u stretch the walls of LV so much that the outlet is now wide open infront of ejecting blood..... thats what happens when we squatt.... ----> increased blood in LV --> decreased murmur intensity.

MVP --> Increased GAG --> valvular flaps are too big now..... when they close they dont close properly...... now increased LV volume --> streches the ventricular walls --> stretches the valvular ring and "accomodate the extra large" valve well --> decreased murmur intensity
i thought when u squat u increase venous return to right heart but there is less blood going to left heart because it pools in the lungs.
u mean CO is different in LV and RV???????
yes..... or am i getting confused with inspiration

i know that when u inspire...u increase blood to right heart and less to left heart

is it same with squatting..

thakks for ur reply.
With squatting, you increase the peripheral resistance.
In HOCM, the LV won't empty its blood soon (due to the increased afterload) thus the murmur would decrease since the hypertrophied septum wouldn't obstruct the outlet soon. Besides, with squatting, venous return would increase (as you "squeeze" your veins), and we end up with the same result.

In MVP, a tendon is long, letting the leaflet to pop into the atrium. When the LV is so stretched (full with blood due to increased venous return or slowly emptying its blood due to increased peripheral resistance as in squatting), the tendon is so stretched (as the distance between LV walls is great), thus would be fixing the leaflet in its right place, thus it won't pop into the atrium during systole, thus murmur decreases

does squatting in increase or decrease ven return

cuz doesnt it increase the tpr.
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