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Case of trauma-what sh be HPI,PE? - docindia
In case of trauma to face head or chest what sh be the history,P/E and counselling?
DON'T FORGET to screen for domestic violence in trauma case esp elderly/female
in short .....his=when/mode of injury/if fell...mode of fall/pain,redness,swelling at site/pain anywhere else/fever/weakness/sesory loss/restriction of motion/any Rx sought for/if longer duration(whether seen doctor)it can give a clue to abuse,help at home
head trauma...add headache/nausea/vomit/dizziness/LOC/seizures
chest....add chest paiv/SOB
ROS skin problem/bleeding disorder/insect bite

PE=local exam of bruise ,inspec,palpation,ROM(as much is comfortable with the pt),musle power around ,sensations,reflexes,(add lung exam in chest trauma)
if fell=gait and brief neuro if focal signs +

coun=for domestic violence(if applied),seat belts/speed limit(in MVA),in elderly=ca and vitamins supplement+wt bearing ex for osteoporesis besides rest/fluids/painmeds

i think that's enuf....any more suggestion?
Thanks noni.What if its a male who gives of h/o fight which led to trauma?Do we start with ABCs first or take history?And do we have to report to police?
Do u mean Emergency cases?I m not sure whether they give such kind of cases.

but yes..if male comes after a fight and bruises...we have to find out the ppt cause + mode of injury.then in PE u can do complete lung/local /pulses..neuro if focal signs

in US most of the em cases are brought by police only so we neednot report.
atuama pateint..
ask about how did append wht was the machine or the tool..
how is the patient now....
in exam have to examin each site traumatized ...
screen for the sites with no complaian..and pain qq always know..
thats it
best of luck ..
ha always do head ct tell that to the sp.
Will you please expand PAM HUGS FOSS?
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