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Hello future doctors help the humanity!! - kumar32
"Don't cry, don't hide your eyes, it's only Pakistani Waste land".....

Can anyone of "weak mind" forget "strong" or "sound" mind, imagine a country, with a government, that would "give over large parts of its sovereign's" to Barbarians, ah... Barbarians being a high complement here. Even Barbarians are not as cruel, and less thoughtful as Talibani's. But then again of course there's the Pakistan Government, who have set the low bar on the world stage for idiocy....

Oh yes the Pakistani Government "sanctioned" by the Pakistani people, decide to grow a massive cancer in the middle of their collective bellies, and now they want the world to help them cut it out.....

Oh gosh, they wanted to take the bull by the horns, Islamic Law is good, Islamic Law is the best, and now that they've got it, by Jove... Holy Moley, they don't want it... AND NOW, they yell for the calf rope.

And (oh yeah!!) don't forget it's *America's Fault* listening to the bad advice of America the Pakistani Government (and her people) conceded large territory to the Taliban.... Gosh, America, the West, and the Rest, are all so (dumb) and Pakistani's are so smart, and lets not forget "they" invented Civilization, and the West "STOLT IT" from them.... Why Oh My Gosh they are so smart and clever, just look at what's going on there now....

A "module" for the world... If only we could be like them... All would be wonderful and there would be bountiful, bountiful, bountiful, in the "peacefuller" world.

Can I hear an Amen on that brother?

AP..... means Associated Press, I know you need all the help you can get....

"ISLAMABAD “ The Taliban have fled the Pakistani army's advance on the main town in the Swat Valley, delivering the military a strategic prize in its offensive against militants in the country's northwest, commanders said Saturday."

And now my dear brothers, want me, to give money to, the "SPEARHEAD" of peace, in the world, well gosh now, that's so sweet...


Hi my Sisters and brothers from USMLEforum

Help atleast one living being on earth a day/ if not atleast in a week without any expectations

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