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Jaundice & colonoscopy & joint pain - usmleshida
why should we ask about recent colonoscopy and joint pain with cc of jaundice? ( a first aid case)
I think asking about recent colonoscopy in the case of a patient with cc of jaundice may not have any thing to do with the presenting illness. It must have something to do with the AGE of the patient. Of course if SLE, a systemic disorder is suspected in the case of presenting jaundice, it is not out of place to ask about JOINT PAIN.
hi usmleshida colonsopy is not for jaundice it i sto do with age. you can ask for ERCP for privious stones and CA
Thanks so much. It seems logical.
joint pain with gonococcal STD arithritis
jaundice with hepatitis b
h/o colonoscopy because jaundice is gi case and regular screening starts at 50, or 10 years earlier that the first relative diagnosed with the colon cancer/ r/o any metastasis to liver which can yield the jaundice
colon cancer does not metastasize in the liver.
Who says colon cancer never mets to the liver? It can although it aint the MC met site.

With the jaundice and Colonoscopy and joint pain...Have you given a thought about Inflammatory Bowel Disease?...Recall it can present like colon cancer but also it has a rheumatology component of arthralgia/arthritis let alone the one common complication that may involve the bile duct...who knows what I am talking about? Crohn's disease and also teh fact that any of them CD or UC can predispose to colon cancer .....heee we have something there.
B/4 colon does not regularly give jaundice, b/c liver is not the MC site for metastases. In medicine, anything can be anything, but it is out of place to associate colon cancer with jaundice. There is no pathological correlation to this effect.
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