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i know your time is important! - umlemle
i know your time is very very important i just need some advise i failed step 1 twice now i am so lost that can't think anything...pls help me & give me an advise will i be able to get into residency program if i apply next year i worked here in few clinics so will have LORs..
i am so lost to think anything,if i work hard & get decent score if there a chance for me ....
plz people help me so i can start stuyding for this exam,
i am desparate for help..........................bound in house with my 2 kids neglecting them alot crying alot plz help me

pls help me!
i m sorry to hear that

i think u shudnt lose hope and have the will 2 do it

In my opinion, ur path will be tough but there are chances of success.

Hi- I also missed several important momenst in my life in this battle. I don't know your visa status. If you have a green card then it is worth trying in family medicine. If you do number of externships with family physician, it would definitely help.

If you want you can take one step at a time. From my expereince it is ok even if you are an old grad. All you need is good scores and clinical experience.

Take some time off. Enjoy your time with kids. Once you are ready then start taking exams.
Take more time for preparation but don't negelct your kids. You won't have any peace of mind.

You can also consider about some other alternative career (clinical research).

Think carefully- what is more imprtant in your life then plan accordingly.
Nothing is impossible.
all the best
thanks alot alot!
Calm down is the key. Retake your exam and get a good score. Search for some other threads in this forum. Pay attention to which programs are more friendly to applicants with attempt. Merely applying doesn;t guarantee that you will get residency. If anybody offers you prematch, accept it. Apply to more progams in various areas, various specialties if needed. Last but not least, don't let any family problem come in your way( difficult I know but should be top on your's killer as far as I'm concern). Anymore question, email me in neurohelp81
yes you can do it, just establish your aim firmly and stick to it. FM will be great in your situation and try to make contacts with PDs, and try to arrange some Clinical experience with them.
If you are only looking for a job, I also think that clinical research is a great job with descent income and job guarentee. google clinical research associate, you will find lots of short term courses to start this job, ther is high demand in this area.
good luck friend.
everybody thanks alot i will make my timetable for step 1 hopefully this time it will workout..lots of family problems but i think it's time for myself...
hope i can do it!
Ive got nothing to add, great advice given. I only want to wish you well. May your new plans work in your favor and succeed in getting a residency.
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