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uw personal statement service - cassfe
Does anyone have the experience with USMLE world personal statement service? They charge 299$ for one statement, very expensive. Your input and opinions are appreciated!
Pls do not spend so much money for PS . you will that money for applying or traveling for your interview. Sit down and write something. After all it is about yourself, experiences, your goals after residency and the reason while you choosing their programs. Send it for editing. Use Editvenue,com. It is less than $25 and this lady will do a good job adding her input.
Hello friends,

You can pay a company to write your letters for you but you need to remember that a company may use the same template on all their clients (aka you). Therefore if a hospital receives two or more letters that have similar writing styles, you'll get caught for plagiarism. In any American University, you'd get suspended for plagiarism. However private businesses may ban you and you'd have no future.

Therefore, I'd recommend hiring a local american grad (like me) and get an original letter. This will help you by not being sold someone else's statement with your name on it.

My fees are very reasonable and I can write letters for you. My fee is $99.00 per letter (plus any PayPal or MoneyBrooker fees). If you order now, I can have your statement ready within 3 to 5 business days. If I am unable to deliver within 5 days, I'll provide you with a partial refund.

You pay me securely with PayPal or MoneyBrookers.

Just remember, you are guaranteed original and professional writing service.

Definition of word
plagiarism |ˈplājəˌrizəm|
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Here's some info about me

US Graduate from Stanford Medical University
@amosjeran the link you had provided is for EDITING SERVICE ONLY. She will NOT write your statement for $25. Her minimum fee is $25 and it goes up if more work is required!
I agree that you should not spen 299 for a PS when you have to spend so much money on interviews and ERAS as it is.

The best advice is to at least attempt to write it yourself. No one can represent you like you can.

Write your own PS and then ask someone you trust to look at it. I am sure most people here on the forum know someone who is currently in a program who could at least skim over the PS.

If you still feel like you need help, then use an editing service, but even if they edit it, remember the original thoughts and concepts will still be yours, so you cant loose.

And how do you know which service is actually trying to help you.........................if you dont need editing they will tell you so and not charge you any money!!!!!

Hope this helps

Drtweetybird, amosjeran: thanks so much for your suggestions! I'll write myself first, and then use an editing service.

Usmle_grad2009: thanks for your input. Could you tell me more about your service? firbersf.
Your email doesn't work
Sorry, it is fibersf. Thanks

This is just a guide line for you to follow,make sure these are mentioned no matter who writes your personal statement.

A good rule of thumb to use when writing your personal statement is to cover some key points program directors are looking out for.

This should include:-

- Why you prefer that particular specialty

- What you find interesting in that particular program

- Elaborate on your strengths

- Turn your weaknesses into stepping stones

- Mention how you intend to realize you professional aspirations

- Where you see yourself in five to ten years down the road

- Your motivation and tenacity to excel in a challenging residency program

I hope this helps. If you have a moment check out the sleeping program director

I hope this helps
usmle_grad2009, how can i contact you? i need your help now!
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