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To dr-aa or other person who is helpful - bigtime99

Hey dr-aa
I was offline for a while and I saw the other people's post lately.
Well, I agree with your answers but not on nbme 6 sec. 4 # 47. I think the ans is controlled clinical trial. In cohort study, you can't expose the study group to the risk factor but you just study the already exposed groups. In clinical trial the expermenter exposes the study group to the risk factor and then follow the outcome. What do you think?
hey bigtime99,
the only thing that made me say it was cohort was the folowing of the pts in the study....
in cohort u have 2 groups of ppl..... exposed and not exposed to the risk factor n u follow them to see which group develops the disease more ud take 100 smokers and 100 nonsmokers, then u follow them to find the incidence of lung cancer in exposed(smokers) n in nonexposed(nonsmokers)

now in this particular q, now that i know its not cohort, the only other option that i cd think of was controlled trial.... cz u are giving a group of pt fish oil, pts on trial..... n the other group is given the other oil to make a contol group...... so making it a controlled trial study....... i think what they do in controlled trial is that one group of pts with a particular disease is given the drug(in this case,fish oil) of choice n the other group is given placebo(in this case,the other oil)/commonly used drug for the disease. and u follow them to c the outcome of the study.....
hope this helps, if somebody wants to add anything or correct me, plz do so
I have also doubts on NBME 6 block 1 #'s 10, 13, 29 and 30
Can you have a look at them?
Sorry, dr-aa. It is block 3
I mean NBME 6, block 3 #'s 10, 13, 29 and 30
q10 i think is CAH-C, 11b hydroxylase def ( viralization, high 11deoxycorticosterone's MOC activity causing hpernatremia/HTN n hypokalemia, low cortisol causing increased ACTH.......corrected by dexamethasone injection , low aldosterone )
q-13 i think is talking about mucormycosis in diabetics..... Rx with debridment n AMP-B
q29..... no clue, wd hv gone 4 B too somoking is an absolute contraindication to A
no problem..... i wasnt sure either if it was block1..... anyway give me a few min
no problem, actually i was wondering if it was actually block1....... anyway,give me a few min
no clue abt Q10..... sorry, not im not a microbiologist....
for 13, i wd have picked A... depressed pt, suicide.....
q29, i think is C, cz they are talking about the hydrophobic signal sequence (expressed by 1st exon on mRNA) which is made by the cytoplasmic ribosomes n then picked up by RER via signal recognition particle, then signal peptidase, an RER membrane enyme, wd cleave the signal sequence............
q30,i think its D, polymorphisms
Thanks sir,
Some of the q's are so wierd and I could't get what they are asking me. God !
Thanks any way.
my pleasure
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