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potassium - ultra
hi ..
,,,i dont know why am not getting the idea why :
when there is acute and chronic alkalosis ,there is increased renal potasium excretion...(i mean why its excretion is not deacreased if we have already decreased plasma conce)

thx in advance
well i think K+ excretion goes up because of its secretion from DCT(distal convulated tubules from kidney) goes up.

Normally, In DCT the bicarbonate and hydrogen inos are produced and HCO3 goes into blood and H+ goes to the luminal side and decreases the negative charge. That is why potassium will be secreted little less because because negative charge is being eliminated by H+ ion secretion to luminal side.

Now in Alkalosis, kidney will not produce as much of HCO3 and H+ ion so negative charge on the luminal side will not be eliminated as much. SO K+ will be secreted little more and i guess that cause more hypokalemic condition.

I hope this helps, Look at the figure from Kaplan which would be more helpful,
i got it...thx tiger...u r the tiger of the renal's usmle nowSmile
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