03-08-2010, 06:58 AM
A 47-year-old Caucasian man comes to a homeless clinic with complaints of a skin rash for the past two weeks. He was diagnosed with HIV infection 10 years ago, and is currently on antiretroviral therapy. His last CD4 count two months ago was 100/cu. mm. He admits that he has been very erratic with his medications and follow-up visits with his primary care physician due to insurance reasons. He was recently hospitalized and treated for some fungal infection, but he does not know the details of his hospitalization. He does not have his discharge papers with him. Examination of his skin shows multiple small papules with central umbilication over his trunk and upper thighs. These lesions are covered with a hemorrhagic crust.
Which of the following is the diagnostic method of choice in this patient?
A. Blood cultures
B. Microscopic examination of scrapings from the lesion
C. Biopsy of the lesion
D. Antigen testing
E. India-ink preparation
Which of the following is the diagnostic method of choice in this patient?
A. Blood cultures
B. Microscopic examination of scrapings from the lesion
C. Biopsy of the lesion
D. Antigen testing
E. India-ink preparation