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things won't get easier after change #question - phaidau
@drock, and everyone... decrease #question, will bring something good!!!..
I don't think so my dear... Life in US is never "retrograde"... exam is still on this concept too.. ALWAYS HARDER... AND HARDER... and something they gave out the reason by playing words..."change software"......"change version"..... actually why don't they say..."change exam to be harder"...Exam will be much easier if life follow into below reason. 1. no job for MD, 2. MD make bottom or lowest money, 3. Nobody want to go to medical school. DEMAND VS. SUPPLY .... come on guy.... Simple concept...
In my entire life in here, i have never seen anything on anything trends is getting easy..... over population, wages, money... competitive.. Always this way..... Medicine is on this trends too.. Always harder, and harder unless i told you above reason... 10 years ago, all my friend took exam just study straight from Kaplan for 2 weeks, questions are identical and they are on top residency.... Life isn't the same guy...
Applications..... Why it is getting hard to residency than 10 years ago... B/c other field can't get a job, everybody go back to study medicine, and real estate.... all the graduate engineering school welcome study even with GPA 2.5 can go back to study graduate school, a lot of school need money, so, they waive GRE too..
If Engineering field makes good money with easy job, and medicine field will be easy... you guys watch....!!! Even though going for medicine isn't for the money... But life in US goes for the trends... Even PA school, waiting list is long... Look at statistic 15 years ago, no one wants to study PA...
My recommend for all of you after you guys finish the exam on the survey, just write down it..."change your exam to be easier, otherwise, economy change, you can't find the doctor" .. or "These are not the fair question, if we bring these questions here, and ask the current practice physician, if they can't answer it, and these aren't the good questions. And, there isn't purpose to bring it out and try to exam us". "Pass this exam isn't going to make us to become a good doctor, good doctor is long path with all the learning and good from the heart"...
or write something like this.."i know you are old and experience physician, but please if all current physician can't answer these, and these aren't fair questions..."
Have a nice weekend... life isn't fair, but we have to accept... and move on..
I agree; I want to add the point that life isn't about being a doctor in US either; you can always choose to be doctor in Europe; doctors actually enjoy much more free time in Europe and its not always a rat race; they spend much of the day drinking coffee and take more breaks here in Europe.
where in europe.
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