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NMBE 1 block 4 - ia
Can anyone please help with the following:

Question 6: labelling of the diagaram.
Question 13: How to calculate
Question 17: is it C or D and why?
Question 46: ?

Anyone who did NMBE 1, can you please rate its difficulty? Did you find it easy or hard and how does it compare to other NMBEs?

Thanks and good luck to everyone!
Q6) H right adrenal gland
A = stomach
B = pancreas
C = abdominal cavity (greater peritoneal sac)
D = spleen
E = retroperitoneal / pararenal fat
F = spinal nerve ?
G = rib
H = right adrenal gland
I = liver

GFR = creatinine clearance = (V * UCr)/Pcr = (1 * 100)/1
RPF = PAH clearance = (V * UPAH)/PPAH = (1 * 50)/0.1
FF = 100/500= 0.2

Q17) C frameshift mutation frequently leads to premature stop codon insertion and truncated protein this question most likely stop codon was created downstream of given nucleotide sequence...
A frameshift mutation (also called a framing error or a reading frame shift) is a genetic mutation caused by indels, ie. insertion or deletion of a number of nucleotides that is not evenly divisible by three from a DNA sequence. Due to the triplet nature of gene expression by codons, the insertion or deletion can disrupt the reading frame, or the grouping of the codons, resulting in a completely different translation from the original. The earlier in the sequence the deletion or insertion occurs, the more altered the protein produced is.
A frameshift mutation causes the reading of all codons after the mutation to code for different amino acids (with a few exceptions due to redundancy). Furthermore, the stop codon ("UAA", "UGA" or "UAG") will not be read or a stop codon could be created at an earlier or later site. The protein being created could be abnormally short, abnormally long, and/or contain the wrong amino acids. It will most likely not be functional.
(i believe explanation by goforward)

Q46) A

i wrote nbme2 first which i felt was from a different planet..........but after 2 wks i did UW revision and took nbme1........i got 20 marks more and felt it was lil better.......
but after i did nbme4 i thou the first two were lot easier.......
And now latest i did UWSA which surpasses everything in toughness........
Its just a subjective feeling i guess.......when u revise it u feel its easy
Thank you so much guys....
I have some disagreements.

6. is E.
H is not Adrenal gland.H seems to be hepatic flexure of colon. it's just under the gall bladder. Plus if you see the kidney is in the posterior part of the diagram and is unlabelled. the adrenal should be right at this area. E is the left adrenal gland and I expect it to be Pheochromocytoma. Correct me if wrong.

13. is B. 100/500 = GFR/ RPF

17. is D. if you calculate the MRNA sequence of this DNA series and make it antiparallel and complimentary to the sequence provided, you see that the second last codon is changed from an original " MRNA sequence of AUC ( isoleucine coder) to UUC ( phe coder). so answer should be D.

46. is anemia. Saturation is constant but the oxygen content is reduced.

Open to discussion.
Take a look basicq
i agree with iqbalian

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