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Help with urine bilirubin and urobilinogen!!! - ia
I just dont understand which is elevated in which type of jaundice and why!!!!
I read hepatobiliary from Goljan yet never managed to figure it out!

Anyone please help me out!!
ok lemme try this
1]urobillinogen is produced wen conjugated bilirubin goes into bowel thru bile duct .bacteria convert conj bili to urobilinogen any reason where excess unconjugated billirubin is formed ull get urobillinogen in urine [so u exclude condition like obstructive jaundice and liver injury]

2]in obstructive juandice ull not get urobillinogen at all all u get billirubin in urine becoz u have conjugated billirubin which will leak out from ducts due to obstruction and also conj billiru is water soluble.

3] in mixed or hepatic injury like hepatitis u may get both urobillinogen or billirubin in urine becoz liver injury is der plus some ducts still carry conj billirubin to bowel

hope this helps ...
In normal conditions urine contains urobilinogen only.
In extravascular hemolysis Urobilinogen Increases as more unconjugated is produced than can be conjugated in liver.
In obstructive Liver disease Conju.will increase as it cannot get access to bowel to form UBG.

In Hepatitis Both UBG and CB increase .
urine bilirubin is elevated when conjugated i.e. soluble form of bilirubin is increased there are 2 conditions viral hepatitis which is mixed elevation of both form of bilirubin and obstructive jaundice.
and urobilinogen will increase in all except in obstructive jaundice as urobilinogen is pig which will form if soluble form i.e conjugated bilirubin goes in intenstine.. so think what can be condition in which soluble form does not go at all in intenstine?
I hope this might be useful info
hi ia,i jus need ur suggestion for molecular it enough to read from kaplan or high yield is more helpful?exam in 3mths.
Thanks guys...i think i get it now

Hi goldstar...i dont know about high-yield...I have only done kaplan and i found it pretty good. Good luck
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