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qqq..............................................1 - ariadnac06
A 54 yo female comes into your office with complaints of malaise, fatigue, and chest pain with exertion. After taking a detailed history, you find out that she has Type I Diabetes Mellitus. You decide to get some labs. Laboratory studies show HbA1C at 12%, plasma glucose at 223 mg/dl, and macroalbuminuria. On fundoscopic examination, you notice retinopathy. What else is likely to be in this patient?

a. Hypothyroidism
b. Hypoparathyroidism
c. Decreased plasma creatinine
d. Normocytic anemia
e. Increased plasma calcitriol
Hi basic and sammy... Smile
u guys thinking of decreased erythripoietin due to diabetic induced CRF??
Yes er12. If the patient has renal damage so as to cause macroalbuminuria, it has to be reduced erythropoeitin.
ddd is correct
Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end stage renal disease and the HbA1C indicates poorly controlled diabetes.
As the patients poorly controlled diabetes starts to damage the kidneys, proteins start to leak into the urine --> macroalbuminemia indicates end stage renal disease.
Also in chronic renal disease, you will see increased BUN and creatinine.

Normocytic anemia is caused by lack of erythropoietin production, which is due to the kidney damage. Retinopathy is just another clue indicating microvascular damage, just like nephropathy. Malaise, fatigue, and chest pain are symptoms that also support anemia

hi ariadna
Hi basic.... Smile
Don™t tell me that it is time to go night night....... what time is over there by you??? Here is 11:02 and 95 degrees Sad
bit hot 103..still 2 hrs to go
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