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63 yr old?? - thrombolyser
pt is lft ventricular dilation ,,,,low ef , ---sinCE ACE INHIBITORS minimize heArt remodelling in chf so best to used
thrombolyser answer................................
i've been waiting for this answer all day too..

where are u thrombo..
C ?
ACE inhibitors (Le. enalapril, ramipril, captopril and lisinopril) have been proven to be beneficial in the treatment of heart failure (CHE). These medications improve survival, and delay progression of the disease. They must be started at low doses, and titration should be done as tolerated. ACE inhibitors are especially effective in men and the Caucasian population. Although there is currently insufficient data to assess the benefit of ACE inhibitor therapy to the mortality of women these drugs are still used in the treatment of CHE in this group.
This patient has asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction and act c sclerosis; however, the former cannot be attributed to the latter. Asymptomatic aortic sclerosis without stenosis is common in elderly patients. It is usually detected as an ejection systolic murmur on physical examination, or by echocardiography. This may progress to aortic stenosis over a period of time. ACE inhibitors are still indicated for the management of the patients heart failure, even if he has no symptoms.
(Choices D and E) A low-sodium diet and diuretics are indicated in patients with some degree of fluid retention and hypertension, not for asymptomatic patients.
(Choice B) Beta-blockers are not indicated in the asymptomatic phase of HF.
(Choice A) Isosorbide mononitrate is a long-acting vasodilator used in angina pectoris management. Isosorbide dinitrate is used to treat acute pulmonary edema in HF.
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