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Hematology Q... - drock
A 35-year-old male presents to his physician complaining of two weeks of fatigue and easy bruising. He also reports recently having had an upper respirators tract infection. Physical examination reveals no lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly.

Laboratory studies show:

Complete blood count
Hemoglobin....................... 7.0 g/L
Erythrocyte count.............. 1.8 min/mm3
Mean corpuscular volume... 90 fl
Reticulocytes..................... 0.1%
Platelet count.................... 88000/mm3
Leukocyte count................ 2500/mm3
A peripheral blood smear shows normocytic, normochromic red blood cells. The other cell types are morphologically normal as well. Bone marrow biopsy in this patient would most likely show which of the following patterns?

A. Hypocellular marrow filled with fat cells and fibrotic stroma
B. Hypercellular marrow with megaloblastic hematopoiesis
C. Hyper granular promyelocytes with multiple Auer rods
D. Hypercellular marrow filled with numerous blast forms

Please explain...I am little confused with the answer Sad
It is aplastic anemia because
1. Retic ct is low

2. If infiltrative or dysplastic anemia, abnormal cells- teardrop cells-anisocytosis,poikilocytosis should be found.

3. If leukemia, blast forms(myeloblasts) of cells should be present.

4.If myelodysplastic syndrome, dyserythropoeitic cells should be present
thats interesting... im reading now that plastic anemia can occur, though rarely, following respiratory infections with mycoplasma... didnt know that!

anybody knows wats the most common infection that aplastic anemia usually follows?
PARVOVIRUS infection
no basalganglia, parvo virus infection specifically infect erythroblasts, causing a pure red cell aplasia, manifesting in an anemic crisis in pts already suffering from chronic anemia..

aplastic anemia (pancytopenia), however, usually follows a seroNEGATIVE hepatitis...
yes thanks er12 for the information
I knew PRCA (Pure red cell aplasia) is related to parvo virus B19 infection Smile
hi er12 --how u doing
hope u dont mind if i say im littele disagree with u ...parvo mainly for PRCA but still it can affect leukocyts and platelets too causing aplastic crisis in SCD ;pregnancy; immunocompramised pts...
other viruses causing aplastic anaemia are
Non A Non B Hepatitis
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