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@calidoc4u - neurosinapsis

So I spoke to an ECFMG representative and explained her about the issue I encountered last Saturday, regarding the discrepancy between my driver's license and my scheduling permit. She told me that I should fax my birth certificate and Form 182, and that I do not have to submit form 186 again to my former medical school, unless I have to reapply for another test. Uuuffff, thank God I paid my Step 2 CS exam, otherwise it would have been a nightmare.
BTW, changes will be made in 5 business days.
Hi Neuro,
Can you pl check NBME 1 .4.12 . I found an article and i posted there.
I changed my ans and let me know your opinion.
hmmm sounds like Form 182 a default route for ID issues. You are in luck. I think identity issues is a common area coz they always seem to have extra questions for surname, maiden name etc etc..

gotta love the Americans for their plethora of forms and codes!

No offense. Not sure where u're from. I'm partially American myself- so i am NOT insulting.. But man I have never seen such a system- they love paperwork. yet shit still happens!!
@forever07, are you being sarcastic? if you are please don't be, as I only express opinions and here to learn from everyone's opinion and experiences as well.
No.. no..Please don't mis understand me. I am also want to learn from everyone's opinion.I don't want to have my wrong concept.
somehow i am missing the conflict here!!!

by the way Neuro.. I was thinking about it.. I really think you ought to make sure you have all documents with you when u go to ur test!! be careful. and maybe a good idea would be to call back the center where u plan on taking the test and explain the situation. sort of give them a heads up and make sure they are cool with everything.
that way whenu arrive at 7 or 8 whatever.. they would have some form of warning. i think thats a good idea.

u know sometimes u get stuck with those inexperienced clerks that simply know the rules... ie white n black and may not be familiar with ur situation and as a default delay you etc...

goodluck buddy
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