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end of a long and hard 2 year journey! finally! - futuredoctor19
Dear Friends,

I finally took my exam 2 days ago and it sure feels great to be done!! i want to thank everyone on this forum for helping me out while i was preparing. i found tremendous amount of support here and learned a lot! you guys showed me new and effectives ways to study...i found so much support/inspiration from this so grateful to u all! thanks for answering posts to my questions.
Last 2 years have been extremely difficult...this was my 3rd taking this previous 2 attemps i failed with a 184/74. it was really heartbreaking to come so close to passing after all that hard work...when i found out that i failed the 2nd time, i was so depressed....literally down in the dumps that i didnt know what to do...let alone trying to study again. i just couldnt figure out why i didnt pass when i was for sure that i did...even after studying so hard. i was begining to believe that i simply couldnt do it. i had no motivation to study...i lost all concentration for like 2 months....then i realized that i have come soo far to turn back now and somehow slowly started studying again. i became a regular visitor of this forum and started following it i learned the importance of learning from nbme and was able to get answers to my questions from all you wonderful ppl out there. When i took my exam recently, i felt more confident...was able to get thru all the questions...recognized concepts....something i didnt experience the last 2 times. i know my chances for getting a residency are really slim after 2 failed attempts for step 1 but i will keep marching forward and hope for the best! I hope the exam went well and i pass this time around....thanks again everyone:-)
The exam is definetely doable...question stems are longer but the long ones tend to be the easier ones...if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
HI furdoc

It came me encouragement to read what you had written cause i too have failed twice
ofcourse with a lower score of 70/179 i had given up and now started studying again
can you tell me how you studied did you do the NBME what was your score and how
you studied where are you based are u in the US i have a small baby now and its even
more difficult

Hope you pass well this time with a good score
Youcould mail me at mail2marg
hi futuredoctor, m sure that u will rock this time,
mine is little bit same like u , me also failed i first attempt and reading again
cvan u tell me wat changes did u do for this time ?
hw was ur exam experience this time?
ur help is appreciated
all the best for result
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