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For Spiderman - success
Hi Spiderman,

I've seen quite a good number of replies from you on this forum, and i'd like to thank you for providing us with such great views on so much of stuff regarding Residency , great work bro. Smile
Could you kindly answer a lil' query of mine as well, i wanted to know if old LOR's would work ? I mean.... i have more than an year old's LOR's ? is it fine to send 'em to Eras? Thanks.
No one can say definitely if its good or bad. Some PD's may not bother about the dates, some may be particular. But at the same time, taking a LOR from your med school faculty 2 or 3 years after you graduated doesn't make sense. They would hardly remember you. So to say, the date on LOR should not really matter in my opinion

If you have a US LOR try and get a latest one, as they really count.
Thanks Spiderman, can you also tell me about the cover sheet, of LOR's as im confused.
It says, that address the letter to " Dear Program Director " include name and AAMC ID, now my question is, i already have LOR's with me, which are 2 years old. So how can i ask my Professors to do ammendments in them now? What should i do?
just get a new one. Make up some story, ask them this is for a different purpose or something or you lost previous ones, or just tell them frankly whats the problem, which ever you feel works.

Coversheet is usually for profs who send letters directly to eras here in US. It helps the guys in home country too, try it out.
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