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Doctors acting like wimps... - moofmonster
Guys chill. Dont complain about how much money you are losing. There are guys that have not matched that are AMGs and American IMGs that owe more than $250,000 to the banks for funding our education. Guess what? The banks dont care if they did not match and they are given no priority by residency programs due to their situation yet they are not crying here about how much they "lost" in the match. If you consider this investments losing money then clearly you are in the wrong professional field. I know for a fact that many cultures around the world study medicine just for the social status and not for a true love of the field and the patient. Maybe that is why 99ers fail the CS? mmmmm Anyway relax and be professional because at the end of the day we are all colleagues. cheers
These are genuine inquiry from people who are in different stage of application

" Where are my invites":---------New to system, has high expectation from US
" Why did they reject me": -----New to system, has not been rejected enough, will learn soon
" Oh someone please help me": ----Believes in goodness, hopes someone altruists exists
" I am going to give up..." ----------Tried hard, things have not worked out, not much hope left
" I can't take it anymore": -------Something unexpected has happened, is going to do something

These are all normal human reaction to stressful in life, now that they have a place & audience where they can express freely and without revealing identity.

Even moofmonster might have asked any or all of these Qs at some point in life or application process.

Take Care,
Help each other

Great post.
wimps, my a$$

why dont u remain sanguine about it as you had been so long?

did u suddenly loose ur pair?
loose =/= lose
Moofmonster should avoid correcting a spelling mistake when he/she cannot get my handle right. I'm techgeek, not technogeek. Reading is not your strong suit. Come back when you carefully read through comments posted here so that your reading comprehension is up to snuff. I expect my comments to be understood and approached accordingly, not dismissed as a long winded rant, especially when the person in question is someone who has called out a large group of people from behind the comfort of his keyboard.

Listen here, you've stirred the pot and asked us to grow a pair. I'm simply reminding you that many of us have a fine pair firmly planted between our legs and can handle ourselves against adversity from all walks of life, from the flagrant podunk drunk to the condescending attending physician who needs to be taken down a peg. You fit somewhere in between those two. Instigators are not welcomed in our profession. I've been in lunch time meetings where program directors have shouted down upstarts like you. Their only recourse was to run away with their tail between their legs. The real professional world has no room for someone like you.

Long day as a medical student? You need to understand that many of us have been trying to match for years, myself included. I haven't been a medical student since 2008. Methinks you do not understand who it is that posts at these forums. So, throw that in as one more instance where you're dead wrong. You've got some fairly piss poor intuition, kiddo.

If it is your nature to condescend, then you have no place in our profession. As I have already pointed out, I want nothing to do with anyone who speaks that way to colleagues. I'll clue ya, kiddo, nurses will turn on you in a heartbeat for that attitude. So will everyone else, including romantic partners. If you are already working, I can almost guarantee colleagues talk about you behind your back with disgust, preferring to work with the more cordial residents over yourself.

You have failed to understand one key thing that separates the good physicians from the rest. We care about what we do and we care about our patients. Your attitude is in a serious need of an overhaul because what you do not get is, such condescension and arrogance will put your patient's lives in danger. Those of us who know failure, strife, compassion, and life's many lessons look upon people like you with disgrace. You look back at us with contempt. Resentment is not the path.

This forum has no need for people like you, so on behalf of the decent people here at USMLE Forum, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Matchopeful has it right. Funny that Moof would bother complimenting the post given his contempt for what constitutes normal emotions and reactions to the system we are thrust into.

Moof has his/her wires crossed somewhere. This is a place where people can express those stresses freely and openly, yet the original post condemns such normal behavior. Pick a side and stay with it.

Again, we are dealing with a disgraceful excuse for a medical professional whose reading comprehension is already questionable and whose intentions are less than reputable.

I have purposely chosen to alter your handle in hopes of inspiring another one of your already patented emotional outbursts. If there is one thing I noticed its that your post is all over the place. You are grasping at straws and going off at tangents. I think its safe to say we can rule out debate team for you, young Padawan.

I think the problem here is that you're displacing a significant amount of hate you have for some attending who for all I know gave you an 'ass whoopin'. Deal with it boy. It comes with the territory.

I may have been some what boarish with my comments, however, It was matchopeful's post that was professional and inspiring and made me see the error of my ways.

I have inadvertently done exactly what most people are doing here in these forums. Expressing my frustrations and taking it out on others. For that I apologize.

Anonymity offers a cloak for us all and sometimes I get carried away.

I wish you guys the best of luck.

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