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NBME 3 block 3 qs 45 - stalinmbbs
45. An 82-year-old woman with a 20-year history of urinary incontinence has had a mild exacerbation of her symptoms over the past 3 months. Urine loss generally occurs when she is carrying out daily activities such as shopping or driving and is not affected by coughing or sneezing. She underwent appendectomy at the age of 24 years. She has one daughter. She takes no medications. Pelvic examination shows an atrophic cervix without a palpable uterus or an adnexal mass. Laboratory studies show:
Hemoglobin 13 g/dL
Na* 140 mEq/L
Cl- 105 mEq/L
K+ 4.5 mEq/L
HC03 25 mEq/L
Urea nitrogen (BUN) 15 mg/dL
Glucose 120 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.1 mg/dL
Epithelial cells 5-10
Glucose negative
WBC 0-1/hpf
Bacteria occasional
Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's urinary incontinence?
O A) Detrusor instability
O B) Hyperglycemia
O C) Neurogenic bladder
O D) Obstructive uropathy
O E) Urinary tract infection
Its A. DETRUSOR INSTABILITY or URGE INCONTINENCE. OTHER CHOICES : B , C,:common in diabetics , multiple sclerosis ,stroke pts.[bladdar gets No innervation for contraction.]All will lead to overflow incontinence.

D.Obstructive uropathy:It will cause overflow incontinence.urine will be dribbling throughout the day.

e.urine examination is fine.No symptoms.

HII stalin..
plz share right ANS ..
case seems PREVIUOS stress incontinence and now exaggerated symptoms are due to superimposed UTI..
urine exam may be normal even in UTI ,IT is not ,MUST thing to make diagnosis of UTI.

The main symptom of stress incontinence is involuntary loss of urine. It may occur when:





Engaging in other physical activity

Engaging in sexual intercourse...

AA is the answer given in key

thanks nija
thanks sheeom
thanks stalin and nija ..
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