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@hebrakam. - medicine_king
@hebrak u r such a selfish person it seems, and jeolous...NO wonder God is not helping you!!!

Trust me US does prefer its own, i have plenty of examples....but u must really suk that they still cant get u IN!!!
I really don't know where do you all get this from?
But do you think that what u're doing is going to let us give up?
how did you get the conclusion of me being a loser??

anyway, you're all right we should concentrate more on how to get things done instead of just talking.
Rak _qk and other "haters"
First of all my origin is not from Middle East.Secondelly, how dare you are making comments that all people form Middle East are “terrorist”??
Also, I am naturalized American and I FEEL like ONE –means that I AM READY to DIE for America. And If I am NOT an American, than you are NOT for sure!!
My score is 95, but Hebrkam has a point, too. He was and is to provide for his family, work and study and that is NOT an easy task to do…Now, you accuse Him of being this and that and this is what we do NOT want in U.S.Hebrkam,I told you “PIGS CAN ONLY DRAG YOU DOWN”…Just ignore those “evil minded”…
FYI,I am origin from Europe. Religion-Christian and married to Hindu…
My ENTIRE SP were/are Muslims, so please watch your mouth. My part time job is translation for FBI NJ and Ohio. Did that tell you something honey???
You have to be “clean as a whistle” to get this position, so now go ahead and talk more…

Hi there, you retard. Perhaps you should go to the Al Qaeda base where you where trained and show love to your people.
So you can do the same, treat your people. Did we came form the same kamp???

Americans are not your people.
If they are not my people, than how America is your country than??
Does having 99 makes you an American??
Does practicing medicine here make you an American???
No…Exactelly….You just want to work here and than sent the monay there and BS here and there !!!!
You were not born here. You were not raised here. You didn’t study here. Your president is Asif Zardari.
Where you born than??
Home is where you make it …If your home is where you graduate than why don’t you stay there than??

Hypocritical idiot
Exactly and this is what YOU ARE HONEY!!!!!

this kind of discussion gives Bad impression about GC holder and AMG..
but my opinion is AMGs are better than idiots GC
thats the bottomline..
good luck
GC with 5 atttempts with 75 percentile wants residency... they want to ruin america..he he he..
god bless america..
like your mouth honey bunny19761981..that is why your origin country is so prosperious ??
You bottomline is exactelly that -either empthy or full..
@antonella: There is no way that you to translation for the FBI. Your grasp of basic english grammar is atrocious. Go crawl back under the hole from where you emerged troll.
Also since you claim that "I AM READY to DIE for America", you should join the military. You would be guaranteed a residency position of your choice in one of the armed forces hospitals. Joining the military would do wonders to rid yourself of your misplaced sense of entitlement. Put your money where your mouth is hypocrite.
You can do it to jetty brother, but you want ONLY the passport, but to not die for America...and this is call hypocrite...You can believe of what you want to believe...
Check who is the 3rd largest U.S.Air force base in U.S
If you are U.S.Citizen, clean record and a good credit score, you can join it, too…
Again, I accept and I will protect this country as my own. This is what I pledge in 2000and this is my truth. Now, your ears and eyes can see it differantelly, but tunnel vision can be fix you know…
To Abraham Lincoln!!!
Viva America !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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